Rules for interpretation of Ardra Pravesh
Result of Tithi, Vaar, Nakshstra, Yoga, Lagna and Time of Ardra Pravesha:
Result Of Ardra Pravesh Tithi
Nanda, Bhadra, and Poorna (except KP 30 – Amavashya) tithis are auspicious and are good for rains, food grains and general happiness.
In Triyodasi (13 tithi), the result is as per tithi’s position rain or food grains are there. Rest tithi’s are inauspicious for rains and happiness.
Result of Ardra Pravesh Vaar
Monday,Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are good for general happiness, good food grains etc. Rest are not auspicious.
Result of Moon’s Nakshatra at the time of Ardra Pravesha:
Bharini, Krittika (fears but give rains), Ardra Ashlesha, Magna, Jyeshta, Moola, P.Ashada and Revati are inauspicious tor rains and general happiness. Rest are good for rains and happiness.
Result of Ardra Pravesh Yoga:
Atigand,Shoola, Vyaghat, Vyatipat, Variyan (scattered rains) prigh and Vaidhriti are bad. Rests are good for rains, food grains and general happiness.
Result of Lagna at time of Ardra Pravesh:
Sun and Moon in Kendra or Tikona or in watery sign aspected by benefics are good for rains, and food grains .
Result of Ardra Pravesh Time:
Sandhi time, 1st half of night and 2nd half of daytime are not not good.
Wind at the time of Ardra ingress:
East winds in FN cause birth of clouds. If next day also there is East wind, rain is caused.
Rain at the time of ingress:
Loss of food grains and water and if it rains on the day of ingress – no rains for 1 and 1/2 months.
Interpretation of General Planetary Position:
Sun and Moon in 5/9 or Kendra to each other aspected by benefics gives good rains.
Malefic in Kendra – rains not timely.
Mars aspected by malefic gives dry spell.
Sun behind Mars gives little or no rains.
Two benefice planets in 4H: good for rains.
Retrograde planet changing into direct changes the weather conditions.
Interpretation of Specific Planet in Ardra Chart:
Moon in Kendra aspected by benefice: immediate rains.
Moon in Lagna and Venus in Tikona: rains.
Moon in watery sign in Kendra in: ■ Shukla Paksha (bright half of lunarmonth): abundance of rains.
and dark half aspect of benefice: abundance of rains.
Mars rules thunder and In fiery sign(1,5,9 signs); give thunder and lightening
without rains.
Mars aspected by Venus or Saturn:heavy rains with thunder.
Mars conjunct Saturn: give low rainfalls.
Sun conjunct Mars with Venus: clouds and if with Jupiter also – plenty of rains.
Mars in Aries in trine to Sun in Leo: hotseason made hotter.
Mars in watery sign (4, 8, 12) conjunct Venus: heavy rains.
Eclipse in watery sign and Jupiter &Saturn aspect each other or the eclipse:
heavy rains.
Mercury conjunct or opposition to Venus: both sunshine and rains.
Mars, Venus & Saturn conjunct or aspected by Venus: gloomy weather with
heavy mist.
Mercury in OH or in earthy sign (2,6,10signs): affects wind direction.
Mercury conjunct Venus or Mercury conjunct Jupiter or Venus conjunct Jupiter:clouds but if in favourable Rashi (Kendra,tikona or watery sign) and benefic aspect give good rains.
Faster behind a slower planet: retards rains but if Moon joins, it rains.
Venus sets and Solar eclipse by Rahu in Lunar month of Jyeshta, Shravan,
Margshira or Magha: below normal rains during the year.
Venus sets or rises in Swati, Vishakha or Anuradha: heavy rains with floods.
Venus sets or rises in Jyeshta to Shravan: famine for want of rains.
Venus retrograde in Nakshatra of Magha or U. Ashada: draught.
Venus in Cancer & Jupiter in Pisces
Venus in Pisces: heavy rains.
Fiery signs (1,5,9): heat.
Earthy signs (2, 6\ 10): dry weather
unless aspected by watery planet (Moon or Venus).
Moon+ Venus: rains.
Venus + Saturn in winters: rain, snowfall
Result of Tithi, Vaar, Nakshstra, Yoga, Lagna and Time of Ardra Pravesha:
Result Of Ardra Pravesh Tithi
Nanda, Bhadra, and Poorna (except KP 30 – Amavashya) tithis are auspicious and are good for rains, food grains and general happiness.
In Triyodasi (13 tithi), the result is as per tithi’s position rain or food grains are there. Rest tithi’s are inauspicious for rains and happiness.
Result of Ardra Pravesh Vaar
Monday,Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are good for general happiness, good food grains etc. Rest are not auspicious.
Result of Moon’s Nakshatra at the time of Ardra Pravesha:
Bharini, Krittika (fears but give rains), Ardra Ashlesha, Magna, Jyeshta, Moola, P.Ashada and Revati are inauspicious tor rains and general happiness. Rest are good for rains and happiness.
Result of Ardra Pravesh Yoga:
Atigand,Shoola, Vyaghat, Vyatipat, Variyan (scattered rains) prigh and Vaidhriti are bad. Rests are good for rains, food grains and general happiness.
Result of Lagna at time of Ardra Pravesh:
Sun and Moon in Kendra or Tikona or in watery sign aspected by benefics are good for rains, and food grains .
Result of Ardra Pravesh Time:
Sandhi time, 1st half of night and 2nd half of daytime are not not good.
Wind at the time of Ardra ingress:
East winds in FN cause birth of clouds. If next day also there is East wind, rain is caused.
Rain at the time of ingress:
Loss of food grains and water and if it rains on the day of ingress – no rains for 1 and 1/2 months.
Interpretation of General Planetary Position:
Sun and Moon in 5/9 or Kendra to each other aspected by benefics gives good rains.
Malefic in Kendra – rains not timely.
Mars aspected by malefic gives dry spell.
Sun behind Mars gives little or no rains.
Two benefice planets in 4H: good for rains.
Retrograde planet changing into direct changes the weather conditions.
Interpretation of Specific Planet in Ardra Chart:
Moon in Kendra aspected by benefice: immediate rains.
Moon in Lagna and Venus in Tikona: rains.
Moon in watery sign in Kendra in: ■ Shukla Paksha (bright half of lunarmonth): abundance of rains.
and dark half aspect of benefice: abundance of rains.
Mars rules thunder and In fiery sign(1,5,9 signs); give thunder and lightening
without rains.
Mars aspected by Venus or Saturn:heavy rains with thunder.
Mars conjunct Saturn: give low rainfalls.
Sun conjunct Mars with Venus: clouds and if with Jupiter also – plenty of rains.
Mars in Aries in trine to Sun in Leo: hotseason made hotter.
Mars in watery sign (4, 8, 12) conjunct Venus: heavy rains.
Eclipse in watery sign and Jupiter &Saturn aspect each other or the eclipse:
heavy rains.
Mercury conjunct or opposition to Venus: both sunshine and rains.
Mars, Venus & Saturn conjunct or aspected by Venus: gloomy weather with
heavy mist.
Mercury in OH or in earthy sign (2,6,10signs): affects wind direction.
Mercury conjunct Venus or Mercury conjunct Jupiter or Venus conjunct Jupiter:clouds but if in favourable Rashi (Kendra,tikona or watery sign) and benefic aspect give good rains.
Faster behind a slower planet: retards rains but if Moon joins, it rains.
Venus sets and Solar eclipse by Rahu in Lunar month of Jyeshta, Shravan,
Margshira or Magha: below normal rains during the year.
Venus sets or rises in Swati, Vishakha or Anuradha: heavy rains with floods.
Venus sets or rises in Jyeshta to Shravan: famine for want of rains.
Venus retrograde in Nakshatra of Magha or U. Ashada: draught.
Venus in Cancer & Jupiter in Pisces
Venus in Pisces: heavy rains.
Fiery signs (1,5,9): heat.
Earthy signs (2, 6\ 10): dry weather
unless aspected by watery planet (Moon or Venus).
Moon+ Venus: rains.
Venus + Saturn in winters: rain, snowfall
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