– When Mercury and Venus are conjoined and it is aspected or conjunct natural malefic planets then there will be no or insufficient rains. When the same Mercury and Venus are aspected by Jupiter then rain will be in plenty.
– When Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in one sign and not aspected by malefics, then there will be plenty of rain.
– When Venus, Saturn and Mars are conjunct and Jupiter is aspecting them, then there will be heavy rains.
– When Venus is conjunct with Moon or Mars is conjunct Moon, then too there will be plenty of rains.
– When natural benefics are ahead of natural malefics, then there will be plenty of rains.
– When Jupiter is conjunct Sun, then there will be good rainfall. This is till when Jupiter is not combust.
– When Venus turns retrograde and separates from Mercury, then for 5 to 7 days there will be heavy rains.
– When Sun is in Cancer and Jupiter aspects it then there will be plenty of rain.
– When a planet is rising or combust and Jupiter aspects it then there will be plenty of rains.
– When Venus and Saturn are conjunct then there will be less rains. When natural malefic planets gets out of retrogression then there will be good rains. When Jupiter is retrograde then too there will plenty of rain.
– When natural malefics turns high speed then there will be good rains.
– When natural benefics becomes retrograde then there will be good rains.
– When Jupiter is in Leo, Virgo and Libra and there are planets in 11th house from Jupiter, then there will be plenty of rains.
– When
Mars is in 7th house from Venus; When Jupiter is in 7th house from Saturn, then too there will be rains.
The Sun’s association with following planets give following effects;
– Sun + Mercury = Rain with winds
– Sun + Venus = Heavy rains
– Sun + Mars = Warm weather
– Sun+ Jupiter = Dry weather resulting in drought
– Sun + Saturn = Scanty rain and cold weather
Lord of Clouds (Meghesh)-The day rising at the time of Ardra Pravesh becomes the lord of clouds for the Samvat 2074. The day rising is Wednesday ruled by Mercury. The effect is rainfall will be in plenty, production of wheat grains will be more and there will be all round happiness.
Tithi rising in the Ardra Pravesh - It is Krishna Trayodasi at the time of Ardra Pravesh. There will be good rainfall.
Lord of the week - In Ardra Pravesh, the lord of the day is Wednesday. Then the Brahmin community will prosper.
Nakshatra rising during the Ardra Pravesh - The nakshatra is Kritika. There will be fear from fire and good rainfall.
Yoga rising during the Ardra Pravesh -The yoga is Vaidhriti yoga. The effect will be all living beings will fear from epidemics.
The Lagna rising at the time of Ardra Pravesh
The lagna is Gemini.
The positions as given above are for day on Ardra Pravesh chart. We will analyse the based on Ardra Pravesh till June 30th, 2017 and thereafter analyse chart for a block of 15 days beginning from July 1st, 2017. The analysis will be done on the following lines.
1. Planets in various constellation as per “Sapta Nadi” chakra,
2. Planets placement in various signs such as Fiery, Earthy, Airy and Watery.
3. Conjunction of Sun with various other planets as given above
4. Sun and Moon in Male/Female/Neuter constellations
5. Sun and Moon in Sun/Moon’s constellation
In addition to the above, transit of Sun and Moon in constellation also needs to be considered. Here the constellations are divided into three sexes namely;
i. Ardra to Swati – Female
ii. Ashwini to Mrigashira – Male
iii. Mula to Rewati – Male
iv. Vishaka, Anuradha & Jyeshta – Neutral
Rules for Sun and Moon in various constellations: (as per Brihat Samhita)
1. Transit of Sun and Moon in NEUTRAL constellation results in blowing of wind
2. Transit of Sun and Moon in FEMALE constellation results in sky covered by clouds
3. Transit of Sun and Moon in MALE constellation results in good rains
In addition to the above, the constellations are also divided into two groups between Sun and Moon.
1. Sun’s Constellations are;
Rohini, Mrigashira, P.Phalguni, U.Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Vishaka, Anuradha, Jyeshta, Mula, Satbisha, P. Bhadra
2. Moon’s constellations are;
Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Ardra, P. Vasu, Pushya, Ashlesa, Magha, P. Ashada, U.Ashada, Sravana, Dhanishta, U. Bhadra, Rewati
Luminaries/Constellations Effects
1. Moon In Moon’s constellation Wind blows
2. Moon In Sun’s constellation Rains
3. Sun In Sun’s constellation No rain
4. Sun & Moon In Moon’s constellation Short rains
5. Sun & Moon, if one in male and other female Rains
6. Sun & Moon, if one in female and other in neutral Scattered Rains
7. Sun & Moon, if both in female or male Shadow of clouds
8. Sun & Moon, if both in neutral No rain
Analysis from June 22, 2017 to June 30, 2017
Position planets in Ardra Pravesh chart are as follows:
Sun, Mars, Mercury (Ardra), Jupiter (Hasta) = Weather changes (4)
Moon (Kritika) = Fierce (1)
Venus (Bharani), Saturn (Jyeshta) = Windy (2)
Rahu (Magha), Ketu (Dhanista) = Best Rain (2)
Soumya, Neera, Jala and Amrut (Rains) category = 2 planets
Prachand, Pawan and Dahan (No Rains) category = 7 planets
From the above only 2 planets are in the section which gives “Rain”. Rest 7 planets are in section which gives “No Rains”.
Mars enters Punarvasu nakshatra on June 26th, Mercury in Punarvasu on June 28th, and Venus in Kritika on June 27th. So 4 planets are in “Rains” category and 5 in “No Rains”. So, rains will start picking up from June 28th onwards.
Rahu, Venus = Fire (2)
Moon, Jupiter = Earth (2)
Sun, Mars, Mercury, Ketu = Air (4)
Saturn = Water (1)
So, only 1 planet is in watery sign, 4 planets in Airy sign and rest in other signs. So, we can expect windy rains. This is because in the saptanadi chakra too, the planets are slowly moving towards “Rains” category.
Sun in Ardra a MALE and Moon in Kritika a MALE too. When, Sun & Moon, if both in female or male, then there will be shadow of clouds.
Sun is in Ardra a Moon constellation and Moon is in Kritika a Moon constellation. When, Sun & Moon are in Moon’s constellation, there will be Short rains.
Sun is along with Mercury in Gemini (airy sign), on June 24th, Moon will be conjunct Mars. This combination gives plenty of rains.
Analysis from July 1st, 2017 to July 15th, 2017
Position planets in chart beginning July 1st, 2017 as follows:
Sun (Ardra), Moon, Jupiter (Hasta) = Weather changes (3)
Venus (Kritika) = Fierce (1)
Saturn (Jyeshta) = Windy (1)
Rahu (Magha), Ketu (Dhanista) = Best Rain (2)
Mars, Mercury (Punarvasu) = Good Rain (2)
Soumya, Neera, Jala and Amrut (Rains) category = 4 planets
Prachand, Pawan and Dahan (No Rains) category = 5 planets
Based on the above spread, 4 planets are in “Rains” category and 5 are in “No Rains” category. It is clear that the rains are going to pick up from July 1st as many planets are moving towards “Rains” category.
Sun will enter Punarvasu (Good Rains catregory) from July 6th , Mercury will enter Pushya (Better Rains category) July 5th, Mercury will enter Ashlesha (Best Rain) from July 13th, and finally Venus will enter Rohini (Windy) from July 8th.
Based on the above shift of Sun and Mercury to “Rains” category, the spread increases 6. This will have the impact of plenty of rains from July 5th, 2017.
Rahu = Fire (1)
Moon, Jupiter, Venus = Earth (3)
Sun, Mars, Mercury, Ketu = Air (4)
Saturn = Water (1)
So, only 1 planet is in watery sign, 4 planets in Airy sign and rest in other signs. So, we can expect windy rains. This is because in the saptanadi chakra too, the planets are slowly moving towards “Rains” category.
Sun in Ardra a MALE and Moon in Hasta a FEMALE. When, Sun & Moon, if one in male and other female, then there will be Rains.
Sun is in Ardra a Moon constellation and Moon is in Hasta a Sun constellation. When, Sun & Moon are in each other’s constellation then, there will be rains.
Sun, Mars and Mercury are in Gemini (airy sign). This combination gives plenty of rains with warm weather. From July 3, 2017 Mercury will be go to Cancer and it will be in 11th from Jupiter. This combination will give plenty of rains.
Analysis from July 16th, 2017 to July 31st, 2017
Position planets in chart beginning July 16th, 2017 as follows:
Sun, Mars (Punarvasu) = Good Rain (2)
Moon (Revati) = Hot (1)
Jupiter (Hasta) = Weather changes (1)
Venus (Rohini), Saturn (Jyeshta) = Windy (2)
Rahu (Magha), Ketu (Dhanista), Mercury (Ashlesha) = Best Rain (3)
Soumya, Neera, Jala and Amrut (Rains) category = 5 planets
Prachand, Pawan and Dahan (No Rains) category = 4 planets
Based on the above spread, 5 planets are in “Rains” category and 4 are in “No Rains” category. It is clear that the rains are going to pick up further from July 16th as many planets are moving towards “Rains” category.
Sun will enter Pushya (Better Rains category) from July 20th, Mars will also enter Pushya (Better Rains category) from July 17th, Mercury will enter Magha (Best Rains category) July 22nd, and finally Venus will enter Mrigashira (Hot) from July 21st. Also, Sun will enter Cancer a watery sign.
Based on the above shift of Mars is shifting to Better rains category. This will have the impact of plenty of rains from July 20th, 2017.
Rahu = Fire (1)
Jupiter, Venus = Earth (2)
Sun, Ketu = Air (2)
Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Moon = Water (4)
So, 4 planets are in watery sign, 5 planets are in rest of the signs. So, we can expect good rains with windy atmosphere. This is because in the saptanadi chakra too, the planets are slowly moving towards “Rains” category.
Sun in Punarvasu a FEMALE and Moon in Revati a MALE. When, Sun & Moon, if one in male and other female, then there will be Rains. This is especially when Sun as male planet is in female and Moon as a female is in male nakshatra.
Sun is in Punarvasu a Moon constellation and Moon is in Revati a Moon constellation. When, Sun In Sun’s constellation, there will be No rain. Moon In Moon’s constellation there will be Wind blows. However, this will change as and when Sun and Moon moves to another nakshatra.
Mars and Mercury are in Cancer (watery sign). This combination will give plenty of rains as it will be in 11th from Jupiter.
Analysis from August 1st, 2017 to August 15th, 2017
Position planets in chart beginning August 1st, 2017 as follows:
Sun, Mars (Pushya) = Better Rain (2)
Moon (Vishaka) = Fierce (1)
Venus (Mrigashira) = Hot (1)
Jupiter (Hasta) = Weather changes (1)
Saturn (Jyeshta) = Windy (2)
Mercury, Rahu (Magha), Ketu (Dhanista) = Best Rain (3)
Soumya, Neera, Jala and Amrut (Rains) category = 5 planets
Prachand, Pawan and Dahan (No Rains) category = 4 planets
Based on the above spread, 5 planets are in “Rains” category and 4 are in “No Rains” category. It is clear that the rains are going to pick up further from August 1st as many planets are moving towards higher category of “Rains section”.
Sun will enter Pushya (Better Rains category) from July 20th. All the combinations of earlier fortnight is intact, which only reiterates that rains will continue.
Sun in Pushya a FEMALE and Moon in Vishaka a NEUTRAL. Sun & Moon, if one in female and other in neutral, then there is Scattered Rains.
Sun is in Pushya a Moon constellation and Moon is in Vishaka a Sun constellation. When Sun and Moon is in each other’s constellations then there will be heavy rains.
Sun and Mars are in Cancer (watery sign). This combination will give plenty of rains as it will be in 11th from Jupiter. On August 14th, Mercury will turn retrograde. This will result in massive rains.
Analysis from August 16th, 2017 to August 31st, 2017
Position planets in chart beginning August 16th, 2017 as follows:
Venus (Punarvasu) = Good Rain (1)
Jupiter (Chitra) = Hot (1)
Saturn (Jyeshta), Moon (Rohini) = Windy (2)
Mercury, Rahu (Magha), Ketu (Dhanista),
Sun, Mars (Ashlesha) = Best Rain (5)
Soumya, Neera, Jala and Amrut (Rains) category = 5 planets
Prachand, Pawan and Dahan (No Rains) category = 4 planets
Based on the above spread, 5 planets are in “Best Rains” category and 4 are in “No Rains” category.
Though Jupiter is shifted to “Hot” category, the rains are expected to be in plenty.
Sun will enter Magha (Better Rains category) August 17th. Mars will also move to Magha from August 28th. Mercury too will move to Magha from August 23, 2017. Venus will move to Pushya (Better Rain category from Good rain) from August 25th. So this fortnight too we can experience good rainfall.
Sun in Ashlesha a FEMALE and Moon in Rohini a MALE. When Sun and Moon are in male and female nakshatra there will be rains. This is especially so when Sun a male planet is in female and Moon a female planet is in male.
Sun is in Ashlesha a Moon constellation and Moon is in Rohini a Sun constellation. When Sun and Moon is in each other’s constellations then there will be heavy rains.
Sun and Mars are in Cancer (watery sign). This combination will give plenty of rains as it will be in 11th from Jupiter. On August 18th, Rahu will change sign to Cancer from Leo. Cancer is a watery sign and this period will be witnessing heavy rains and we can expect massive damage due to floods.
Sun will move to Leo (Fiery sign). On August 22nd Venus will also move to Cancer sign. It is at this time Venus, Mars and Rahu all will be together in Cancer. This will too bring in heavy rains causing massive damage due to floods. More importantly, Saturn the heavy planet will turn direct from August 26th. Mars will change its sign from Cancer to Leo on August 28th. So overall, this fortnight will be a period of heavy rainfall which will cause havoc and massive damage to human lives and properties.
Analysis from September 1st, 2017 to September 15th, 2017
Position planets in chart beginning September 1st, 2017 as follows:
Venus (Pushya), Sun (P. Phalguni) = Better Rain (2)
Jupiter (Chitra) = Hot (1)
Saturn (Jyeshta), = Windy (1)
Moon (P. Ashada) = Weather changes (1)
Mercury, Mars (Magha), Rahu (Ashlesha), Ketu (Dhanista) = Best Rain (4)
Soumya, Neera, Jala and Amrut (Rains) category = 6 planets
Prachand, Pawan and Dahan (No Rains) category = 3 planets
Based on the above spread, 6 planets are in “Best Rains” category and 4 are in “No Rains” category.
Though Jupiter is shifted to “Hot” category, the rains are expected to be in plenty.
Sun will enter U. Phalguni (Good Rains category from Better rains) September 14th. Venus will move into Ashlesha (Best rain from Better rain category) from September 5th. So this fortnight too we can experience good rainfall.
Sun in P.Phalguni a FEMALE and Moon in P.Ashada a MALE. When Sun and Moon are in male and female nakshatra there will be rains. This is especially so when Sun a male planet is in female and Moon a female planet is in male.
Sun is in P.Phalguni a Sun constellation and Moon is in P.Ashada a Moon constellation. When Sun is in Sun’s constellation there will be no rains. When Moon is in Moon’s constellation there will be wind blows.
Venus and Rahu are in Cancer (watery sign). This combination will give plenty of rains as it will be in 11th from Jupiter. On September 6th, Mercury will turn direct. This will ensure that rains will be plenty. Another heavy benefic planet Jupiter will change sign to Libra on September 12th. When Jupiter changes sign to Libra Sun, Mars and Mercury will be in Leo in the 11th house. So this period too we will witness heavy rains causing massive damage to properties and human lives.
Analysis from September 16th, 2017 to September 30th, 2017
Position planets in chart beginning September 16th, 2017 as follows:
Sun (U. Phalguni) = Good Rain (1)
Jupiter (Chitra) = Hot (1)
Saturn (Jyeshta), = Windy (1)
Mercury, Mars, Venus, Moon (Magha),
Rahu (Ashlesha), Ketu (Dhanista) = Best Rain (6)
Soumya, Neera, Jala and Amrut (Rains) category = 7 planets
Prachand, Pawan and Dahan (No Rains) category = 2 planets
Based on the above spread, 7 planets are in “Rain Rains” category and 2 are in “No Rains” category. There are almost 6 planets in “Best Rains”category. The rains are expected to be in plenty during this fortnight too.
Sun will enter Hasta (Weather changes from Good Rains category) September 27th. Mars will move in P.Phalguni (Better rain from Best rain category) from September 18th. Mercury will move into P.Phalguni (Better rain from Best rain category) from September 17th. Venus will move into P.Phalguni (Better rain from Best rain category) from September 27th. So this fortnight though we will see good rainfall, it will start receding too as the planets are getting into lower categories in saptanadis.
Sun in U.Phalguni a FEMALE and Moon in Magha a FEMALE. When Sun amd Moon are are female nakshatra, there will be shadow of clouds. So here again it reiterates that rains will start receding.
Sun is in U.Phalguni a Sun constellation and Moon is in Magha a Moon constellation. When Sunn is in Sun’s constellation there will be no rains. When Moon is in Moon’s constellation there will be wind blows.
Sun, Mercury and Venus are together in Leo. This will ensure good rains. Sun will change sign to Virgo in September 17th. From Jupiter in Libra, there will be almost 4 planets (Sun, Venus, Mercury and Mars) in the 11th house in Leo. This too is a sign of good rains. Mercury changes sign to Virgo from Leo. So overall, there will be good rains in the beginning of this fortnight, but the rains will start receding from few days of the fortnight
Based on the above analysis, we can conclude as follows;
– Though the rains will start beginning from June 15th onwards, the actual rain will start picking up from end of June 2017 onwards.
– First fortnight of July, 2017 we will see plenty of rains. This will gradually increase and will see rains in the second fortnight too.
– The month of August 2017 we will see massive rains and this will cause heavy damage to properties and human lives. This is the time the government will have to be careful off and take pro-active action.
– The first fortnight of September, 2017 too we will witness heavy rains resulting into heavy losses. From the second fortnight of September, 2017 the rains will start receding.
– Overall this year’s rainfall will be above average and even the Meteorological department will fail in their predictions. As of now, the department has predicted usual/normal rainfall. But as per above analysis it will surpass the predictions/expectations.
-:Anju Anand
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