In Mundane Astrology, the houses govern different aspects relating to the country as a whole, rather than the individual meanings in a natal birth chart. The meanings are similar, but applied in context of a much wider spectrum. Special note is taken of eclipses affecting a mundane chart as they signify major upheaval.
First House
The first house of a nation's chart is the most important. The collective is stronger than the individual and is therefore considered to be fated. National myths, a nation's self-image, characteristics of the populace, and the evolution of a nation combine to form the archetypes of the national collective unconscious.
From this point of view, groups are swept along cyclic tides often foreshadowed by eclipses, lunations and ingresses. The group, bonded to the whole, lacks the self-criticism of the individual. When a nation undergoes psychic infection, then war, dictatorships, and dissolution of the "state" in favor of a new identity may occur. Map boundaries shift and change. History is most often written by the conqueror. Not the conquered.
First House deals with people of the country in general, their attitude, social behaviour, national and other events connected with general life of people of the country. It includes public health and strength of the Cabinet and the party in power, its way of working, etc.
Second House
2H represents society's survival. Substance must be generated. Food and materials representative of a growing economy are vital to a nation's endurance.
Banks, all monetary instruments, wealth, the gross national product and distribution of wealth among the populace are associated with the second house.
Further, what society values, what it holds most dear is found in the second house.
Also, the kind of people a society holds in high esteem are associated with the 2nd house.
The collective's sense of security and of insecurity are often projected upon cultural icons. Generations' and sub generations' values clash in Second house. Hence, we find the national "generation gap."
Second House deals with financial conditions of the nation, source of revenue, treasury, taxation, national ex-chequer, wealth, economy of the country, banks, places where money is kept, national trade and commerce, export/import, decision of the legislatures, shares, stocks, securities etc.
Third House
Communication and trade bind society together fostering cooperation towards the end goal of a healthy economy. Roads, trains, phones, schools, the Post Office, newspapers, magazines, TV, books, right to Free Speech, the internet, computers, a national language, as well as daily rules of social pleasantries "Have a nice day," all come under the purview of the third house.
In natal astrology, the third house is associated with neighbors, siblings and early schooling. In Mundane astrology the third house is associated with neighboring countries and perhaps ethnic identification for those who have emigrated from Bangla Desh or China. For us, China, nepal and Pakistan are our "next door neighbors."
Third House deals with communication by land, sea, air, public travelling and facilities provided for journey, motors, buses, rail, road, cars, short travels, railway stations, traffic lights, telegraph, telephone postal service, radio, TV, advertisement, broadcasting, rumours telephone, messengers, telephone operators, telephone booth and different persons connected with the telephone industry, communication through books, newspaper, magazines and persons connected with these professions. Neighbouring countries and written agreements etc.
Fourth House
The 4th house is the land, settlements, the building of stable communities, agriculture, identification with ethnicity, one's "clan" or "tribe," and is associated with the base of society and its most cherished traditions.
This is the house of the common folk and is also representative of rebellion against the government (the 4th house is opposite the 10th). It is the house of "nationalism," mass ideologies -- a love of the land -- and is associated with socialism/the socialist party. The 4th house rules the harvest of the land -- her crops.
Fourth House deals with Opposition to the Govt. (within the party), land, crops, agricultural industries, agriculture, mines and minerals, public ·buildings, real estates, farm lands (school, colleges and other educational institutions), weather conditions like earth-quakes, landslides, floods, forest fires, mine disaster, volcanic eruption and damage therefrom etc.
Fifth House
This is the house of creativity, of recreation, speculation, the Stock Market, gambling casinos, love affairs (the social "rules"), as well as theater, movies, the NFL, the Olympics, parties, and fun. The
5th house shows how a nation's people interact according to culture. For example, every country in the world has its favorite dance steps, music, and idiosyncrasies.
The cultural "flavor" of a nation is reflected in stage productions of new/original works by playwrights.
The 5th house is also associated with children and the birth rate. Also to "chic society."
Fifth House deals with all types of entertainment, including theaters, cinema halls, ball rooms, social functions, romantic events. It also includes sports, speculation, gambling, race, lottery, stock exchange, stock brokers, shares, immorality, scandals arising from immorality, public investment, upper legislature house, ambassadors, diplomats, Political parties, mentality of ruler, PM and President etc.
Sixth House
The house of service. Workers, the employed classes, also political affilations such as trade unions {i.e., The Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC), The Ah India Trade Union Congress (AITUC), The Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS), The Hind Mazdoor Sangh (H.M.S.), The United Trade Union Congress (UTUC), The Centre Of Indian Trade UNIONS (CITU)}, and political parties. The military is associated with the 6th house as is national defense. Civil servants, public health works such as the PWD and health workers such as nurse practitioners, and volunteers.
Sixth House deals with forces, army, navy, air force, territorial army, Red Cross, warships, war planes, military and military equipment/hardware, hidden enemy, working class, labour union, trade union, strikes, mass agitation, workers, labour parties, state loans and debts, employment, public health, like nursing, hospitals, disease, national debts, animal husbandry, poultry etc.
Seventh House
International relations with other countries: treaties and alliances, wars, truces, the United Nations and her members, and designated "enemies" are associated with the 7th house.
This is also the house of "projection." What does a nation project upon its enemies?
Often times, as in natal astrology, what a nation projects is its disowned neurosis or psychosis.
Seventh House deals with open warfare, open enmity, international affairs, disputes, international policies/agreement, arbitration, foreign trade, marriage, divorce, immorality, opposition parties, general condition of women, laws relating to marriage and divorce, public reactions to national policies, public meetings etc.
Eighth House
International finance, corporations and transnational corporations are associated with the 8th house. Foreign investments, death, public mortality, assassinations, death duties of officials, death arrangements and national mourning reside in the 8th house.
It is possible that the 8th house can bring renewal, regeneration and new resolve to the populace after a time of grieving. The 8th house is opposite the 2nd, and therefore speaks of the "death of things a nation holds dear."
Eighth House deals with public mortality, death rate, suicide, death of a national leader like President, Prime Minister, ruler, king etc. natural calamities like earthquake, famine, fire, infection, floods, epidemics, serious accidents, trust, hidden things, estate duties, pensioners, legacies, capital gains, losses in foreign countries, insurance companies, medical discoveries etc.
Ninth House
Long distance travel and national and international law are associated with the 9th house. Shipping, international water routes, maritime law, space travel, religion, belief systems and philosophy also fall under the purview of the 9th house.
Societal taboos, values, mores, the legal system and transmission of the higher laws of society are reflected through the 3rd house of communication and education.
The highest values of the nation are transmitted (9th/3rd) to the populace through institutions dedicated to preservation of its cherished beliefs and moral philosophy.
Ninth House deals with long distance travel, sea voyage, religion, temples, mosque, churches, meditation, rituals, prophecy. Psychic powers, national emissaries and visitors from abroad, travel agents, judiciary, law courts, lawyers, international law, UNO and other law enforcing authorities of the world organisations, foreign affairs, foreign countries, foreign trade, imports and exports, tourism, national trade, long distance cables etc.
Tenth House
The government. The President or the Prime Minister. The "ruling class." A nation's prestige. Its "aristocracy," and the opinion other countries hold of the nation. This is where the national identity becomes wholly conscious and strives to achieve the most ample portions of the collective dream.
Tenth House deals with party in power, prime minister, chief minister, governor of a state, president, political position, chief executive, chairman in case of a company, national objectives, mayor, national leaders etc.
Eleventh House
Governmental Institutions: the Upper House and Lower House. Also, local governments and those who directly assist elected officials. This is the house of long-terms dreams and ideals. It represents ambassadors sent to other nations and the hopes carried to foreign shores. (The 5th house is ambassadors received from other nations). Aquarian in nature, the 11th house is inclusive, universal and idealistic.
Eleventh House deals with national revenues, scholarship, agreements and contracts with foreign Govt. national treasury, Ambassadors sent to foreign countries, Parliament, lower house of State legislature, Assemblies, Municipal bodies, Distt. bodies, Panchayat, house of representatives, senate, cooperative societies etc.
Twelfth House
Hospitals, monasteries, boarding schools, prisons, jails, mental hospitals, and places where people are either incarcerated or elect to stay in order to be alone.
This is the house of conspiracy, subversion, and of underground societies and secret organizations. The 12th house is also associated with how the people memorialize their dead in cemeteries and monuments. Occult societies and ashrams also fall under the purview of the 12th house.
Twelfth House deals with secret enemies, secret plots, and underground movements, espionage, kidnapping, conspiracy, spies, detectives, unions, strikes, criminals dealing in illicit drugs, gambling, organised prostitution, black mailing, jails, prisons, hospitals, reformatories, orphanage, charitable institutions, occult societies, asylums, unexpected trouble, exile, repayment of loan, poisoning, smuggling, underworld secret love affairs, war and losses, rape, assassinations etc.
First House
The first house of a nation's chart is the most important. The collective is stronger than the individual and is therefore considered to be fated. National myths, a nation's self-image, characteristics of the populace, and the evolution of a nation combine to form the archetypes of the national collective unconscious.
From this point of view, groups are swept along cyclic tides often foreshadowed by eclipses, lunations and ingresses. The group, bonded to the whole, lacks the self-criticism of the individual. When a nation undergoes psychic infection, then war, dictatorships, and dissolution of the "state" in favor of a new identity may occur. Map boundaries shift and change. History is most often written by the conqueror. Not the conquered.
First House deals with people of the country in general, their attitude, social behaviour, national and other events connected with general life of people of the country. It includes public health and strength of the Cabinet and the party in power, its way of working, etc.
Second House
2H represents society's survival. Substance must be generated. Food and materials representative of a growing economy are vital to a nation's endurance.
Banks, all monetary instruments, wealth, the gross national product and distribution of wealth among the populace are associated with the second house.
Further, what society values, what it holds most dear is found in the second house.
Also, the kind of people a society holds in high esteem are associated with the 2nd house.
The collective's sense of security and of insecurity are often projected upon cultural icons. Generations' and sub generations' values clash in Second house. Hence, we find the national "generation gap."
Second House deals with financial conditions of the nation, source of revenue, treasury, taxation, national ex-chequer, wealth, economy of the country, banks, places where money is kept, national trade and commerce, export/import, decision of the legislatures, shares, stocks, securities etc.
Third House
Communication and trade bind society together fostering cooperation towards the end goal of a healthy economy. Roads, trains, phones, schools, the Post Office, newspapers, magazines, TV, books, right to Free Speech, the internet, computers, a national language, as well as daily rules of social pleasantries "Have a nice day," all come under the purview of the third house.
In natal astrology, the third house is associated with neighbors, siblings and early schooling. In Mundane astrology the third house is associated with neighboring countries and perhaps ethnic identification for those who have emigrated from Bangla Desh or China. For us, China, nepal and Pakistan are our "next door neighbors."
Third House deals with communication by land, sea, air, public travelling and facilities provided for journey, motors, buses, rail, road, cars, short travels, railway stations, traffic lights, telegraph, telephone postal service, radio, TV, advertisement, broadcasting, rumours telephone, messengers, telephone operators, telephone booth and different persons connected with the telephone industry, communication through books, newspaper, magazines and persons connected with these professions. Neighbouring countries and written agreements etc.
Fourth House
The 4th house is the land, settlements, the building of stable communities, agriculture, identification with ethnicity, one's "clan" or "tribe," and is associated with the base of society and its most cherished traditions.
This is the house of the common folk and is also representative of rebellion against the government (the 4th house is opposite the 10th). It is the house of "nationalism," mass ideologies -- a love of the land -- and is associated with socialism/the socialist party. The 4th house rules the harvest of the land -- her crops.
Fourth House deals with Opposition to the Govt. (within the party), land, crops, agricultural industries, agriculture, mines and minerals, public ·buildings, real estates, farm lands (school, colleges and other educational institutions), weather conditions like earth-quakes, landslides, floods, forest fires, mine disaster, volcanic eruption and damage therefrom etc.
Fifth House
This is the house of creativity, of recreation, speculation, the Stock Market, gambling casinos, love affairs (the social "rules"), as well as theater, movies, the NFL, the Olympics, parties, and fun. The
5th house shows how a nation's people interact according to culture. For example, every country in the world has its favorite dance steps, music, and idiosyncrasies.
The cultural "flavor" of a nation is reflected in stage productions of new/original works by playwrights.
The 5th house is also associated with children and the birth rate. Also to "chic society."
Fifth House deals with all types of entertainment, including theaters, cinema halls, ball rooms, social functions, romantic events. It also includes sports, speculation, gambling, race, lottery, stock exchange, stock brokers, shares, immorality, scandals arising from immorality, public investment, upper legislature house, ambassadors, diplomats, Political parties, mentality of ruler, PM and President etc.
Sixth House
The house of service. Workers, the employed classes, also political affilations such as trade unions {i.e., The Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC), The Ah India Trade Union Congress (AITUC), The Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS), The Hind Mazdoor Sangh (H.M.S.), The United Trade Union Congress (UTUC), The Centre Of Indian Trade UNIONS (CITU)}, and political parties. The military is associated with the 6th house as is national defense. Civil servants, public health works such as the PWD and health workers such as nurse practitioners, and volunteers.
Sixth House deals with forces, army, navy, air force, territorial army, Red Cross, warships, war planes, military and military equipment/hardware, hidden enemy, working class, labour union, trade union, strikes, mass agitation, workers, labour parties, state loans and debts, employment, public health, like nursing, hospitals, disease, national debts, animal husbandry, poultry etc.
Seventh House
International relations with other countries: treaties and alliances, wars, truces, the United Nations and her members, and designated "enemies" are associated with the 7th house.
This is also the house of "projection." What does a nation project upon its enemies?
Often times, as in natal astrology, what a nation projects is its disowned neurosis or psychosis.
Seventh House deals with open warfare, open enmity, international affairs, disputes, international policies/agreement, arbitration, foreign trade, marriage, divorce, immorality, opposition parties, general condition of women, laws relating to marriage and divorce, public reactions to national policies, public meetings etc.
Eighth House
International finance, corporations and transnational corporations are associated with the 8th house. Foreign investments, death, public mortality, assassinations, death duties of officials, death arrangements and national mourning reside in the 8th house.
It is possible that the 8th house can bring renewal, regeneration and new resolve to the populace after a time of grieving. The 8th house is opposite the 2nd, and therefore speaks of the "death of things a nation holds dear."
Eighth House deals with public mortality, death rate, suicide, death of a national leader like President, Prime Minister, ruler, king etc. natural calamities like earthquake, famine, fire, infection, floods, epidemics, serious accidents, trust, hidden things, estate duties, pensioners, legacies, capital gains, losses in foreign countries, insurance companies, medical discoveries etc.
Ninth House
Long distance travel and national and international law are associated with the 9th house. Shipping, international water routes, maritime law, space travel, religion, belief systems and philosophy also fall under the purview of the 9th house.
Societal taboos, values, mores, the legal system and transmission of the higher laws of society are reflected through the 3rd house of communication and education.
The highest values of the nation are transmitted (9th/3rd) to the populace through institutions dedicated to preservation of its cherished beliefs and moral philosophy.
Ninth House deals with long distance travel, sea voyage, religion, temples, mosque, churches, meditation, rituals, prophecy. Psychic powers, national emissaries and visitors from abroad, travel agents, judiciary, law courts, lawyers, international law, UNO and other law enforcing authorities of the world organisations, foreign affairs, foreign countries, foreign trade, imports and exports, tourism, national trade, long distance cables etc.
Tenth House
The government. The President or the Prime Minister. The "ruling class." A nation's prestige. Its "aristocracy," and the opinion other countries hold of the nation. This is where the national identity becomes wholly conscious and strives to achieve the most ample portions of the collective dream.
Tenth House deals with party in power, prime minister, chief minister, governor of a state, president, political position, chief executive, chairman in case of a company, national objectives, mayor, national leaders etc.
Eleventh House
Governmental Institutions: the Upper House and Lower House. Also, local governments and those who directly assist elected officials. This is the house of long-terms dreams and ideals. It represents ambassadors sent to other nations and the hopes carried to foreign shores. (The 5th house is ambassadors received from other nations). Aquarian in nature, the 11th house is inclusive, universal and idealistic.
Eleventh House deals with national revenues, scholarship, agreements and contracts with foreign Govt. national treasury, Ambassadors sent to foreign countries, Parliament, lower house of State legislature, Assemblies, Municipal bodies, Distt. bodies, Panchayat, house of representatives, senate, cooperative societies etc.
Twelfth House
Hospitals, monasteries, boarding schools, prisons, jails, mental hospitals, and places where people are either incarcerated or elect to stay in order to be alone.
This is the house of conspiracy, subversion, and of underground societies and secret organizations. The 12th house is also associated with how the people memorialize their dead in cemeteries and monuments. Occult societies and ashrams also fall under the purview of the 12th house.
Twelfth House deals with secret enemies, secret plots, and underground movements, espionage, kidnapping, conspiracy, spies, detectives, unions, strikes, criminals dealing in illicit drugs, gambling, organised prostitution, black mailing, jails, prisons, hospitals, reformatories, orphanage, charitable institutions, occult societies, asylums, unexpected trouble, exile, repayment of loan, poisoning, smuggling, underworld secret love affairs, war and losses, rape, assassinations etc.
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