of earth quakes is a formidable task in both science and astrology.
Parasara on Earthquakes
It is said that the subject of earthquakes has been exhaustively dealt with by Sage Parasara in the third part of his Hora, but unfortunately this particular part has not been traced.
It is said that the subject of earthquakes has been exhaustively dealt with by Sage Parasara in the third part of his Hora, but unfortunately this particular part has not been traced.
As early as the beginning of Kaliyuga (310 B.C.) Parasara had observed thus:
"Arka Chandra grahana graha vikrilhachara jamscha kampana hayulu"
meaning that when the course of a planet is disturbed from the normal path owing to the attractive force of other planets there is a shaking of the planet which is perceived as an earthquake.
Though sage Gargi says that earthquakes are due to volcanic eruptions Parasara's view seems to be more reasonable as it can be proved astrologically. In fact, planetary action as an exciting cause of earthquakes is only doubted by those who have never made any fair and complete inquiry into it. Aristotle placed on record the fact that it sometimes happens that there is an earthquake about the time of the eclipse of the Moon.
factors have been discussed by Varahamihira to predict earthquakes on the basis
of moon’s position in certain stars, analyzed in combination with certain
terrestrial phenomena.
A careful study of over 200 earthquakes reveals the following interesting features:
(1) Earthquakes generally, though not always, occur at the times of eclipses and near new and full Moon days;
(1) Earthquakes generally, though not always, occur at the times of eclipses and near new and full Moon days;
(2) The time of occurrence will be near about midnight, midday or early morning;
(3) The major planets- Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Jupiter, and !he minor planets -Mercury and the Moon will be in mutual angles (Kendras) or trines (Trikonas) and near the 10th or 4th house;
(4) The Moon plays an important role and the Nakshatra ruling on that day gives a clue to the area of occurrence on the basis of the Avakahada arrangement;
(5) Major planets generally occupy ear!hy or airy signs; and
(6) The asterism of the day belongs to "Prithvi" or "Vayu" Mandala.
A study of earthquake charts will confirm these findings. The most devastating earthquake on the sub-continent of India was the one on 11 October, 1737 at about midnight, when lakhs of people are believed to have perished in the region. On the night between October 11 and 12, a terrible cyclone raged at the mouth of the Ganga. Just as the storm subsided violent shocks of earthquake destroyed innumerable houses not only along the banks of the river
but at Calcutta also. The waters of the Ganga, it is said, rose more than thirty feet above their ordinary level and more than 300,000 people died. The study of planets on this day reveals that not only were the major planets Saturn and Mars in mutual angles, (Chart 3) but even the meridian and the Ascendant were afflicted. The lunar day was the 3rd.
Site of Earthquake
By means of monthly lunations and solar and lunar eclipses, it is possible to predict earthquakes. When a number of superior planets are in conjuction or in the same declination or in the same latitude, there will be earthquakes.
Several planets in the Tropics also give rise to this phenomenon. Eclipses falling at quadrants to Jupiter, Saturn or Mars also produce earthquakes. The area of the occurrence is generally indicated by the zodiacal sign in which the above combinations occur or by the sign which has the conjunction or the eclipse of the meridian or the Nadir. The locality is also indicated in places where Saturn or Jupiter is on the meridian.
Following are the basic observations.
Jupiter in the kumbha or simha brings mass death.
Rahu and ketu in axis of mithuna/dhanus, mesha and tula (India 6 and 12 houses) kumbha and simha (4 and 10 house), vrichika/Taurus (1 and 7th) are strong points of mass death.
Saturn in simha, dhanus and mesha is death inflicting.
Mars in thula aspecting thula is also dangerous points.
Rashi of kumbha and meena are involved in general
Rashis are in male sign and fixed sign
Rashis which are in the airy and fiery sign are involved
Earthquakes occur when Saturn is in dhanu or mesha, rahu in meena or virgo and Jupiter in simha or rishabha.
wisdom on prediction of earthquakes given by Varahamihira harps on 4 types of
earthquakes based on the lunar asterism on the day of earthquake. The
earthquake may take the nature of Vayu or Agni or Indra or Varuna. The 28 stars
including Abhijit have been categorized into these 4 types.
symptoms can be seen for a week before the occurrence of an earthquake,
depending on the type of the earthquake.
Varahamihira also
gives us clues on the places and the kind of people who will be affected by
these earthquakes. They have been tabulated below for easy reference.
Types of
Lunar asterisms
P. Bhadrapada
Symptoms for 7
days preceding the earthquake
Dusty &
smoky sky due to winds,
Violent winds
shaking trees,
Dim sun rays.
Frequent meteor
Horizon glowing
like fire, in red and yellow,
Fire and winds
on land
Huge cloud
formation accompanied with lightening,
People affected
Weapon wielding
Those in the
fields of art such as music, painting, sculpting, composing,
People in hilly
Rich and well
nourished people,
Cruel men.
Vedic people,
High class
Army commanders,
People in
coastal areas and river-sides,
Those working in
water related jobs,
Places affected
Places north of
Dry earth,
Crops and
medicinal plants affected,
Asthma &
phlegmatic conditions.
Clouds will be
destroyed, (no rains)
Tanks go dry,
Rulers become
hostile to one another,
Diseases of the
skin, fever, jaundice and ring worms.
Swelling in
neck, vomiting, diseases of the face.
Rulers will be
These 4 types are
based on 2 factors, one, the star of the day and the other, on the part of the
day. The day starting form sunrise in a particular place is divided into 4
parts of 6 hours each. Starting from the first part, they are categorized in
the same order of Vayu, Agni, Indra and Varuna.
When the Vayu
symptoms are seen for about a week, prior to the transit of moon in the star of
the Vayu group, one can expect the earthquake in the first 6 hours of the day;
for Agni type in the next 6 hours and so on for Indra and Varuna types. Keen
observation of the terrestrial happenings must be done and they must be related
to the movement of the moon in the respective category of stars. Varahamihira
has also noted the places to be affected, thereby giving a clue on the place of
occurrence of an earthquake. But these places are within India, barring
a mention of two locations outside India, in the Northeast and
northwest border.
In reality, the
star and the time of the day do not go together with a particular category.
This has been acknowledged by Varahamihira, when he explains how any 2 categories
can be mixed and predictions be made.
The conclusions
drawn from Varahamihira can be stated as follows:
- Vayu and Agni types occur in windy and hot seasons and in the day time.
- Indra and Varuna occur at night accompanied with rains.
- Vayu type is severe and can be felt even as far as 1000s of miles. This is followed by Varuna, Indra and Agni.(The recent massive tsunami was triggered by a Vayu type earthquake as it happened in the first 6 hours and in the star of Vayu category)
- Agni and Vayu types result in sufferings to mankind and the rulers.
- Indra and Varuna earthquakes result in good yields.
- When the symptoms of Vayu and Varuna combine and the earthquake occurs in the asterism of one of them, people of Ujjain, Kashmir, Videha, Dravida and those living near Sarayu river will suffer. The countries in North West of India (Pakistan and Afghanistan) also will suffer.
- When the symptoms of Indra and Agni combine and the earthquake occurs in the asterism of one of them, people of western India and China will suffer.
The Observation:-
- Usually Earthquakes occurr within the ring between Dwadasi and Sashti in both pakshas.
- Vayu type star has prominent presence indicating a far-reaching tremor effect.
- The earthy sign Virgo had been afflicted badly in almost all the major earthquakes. Virgo being a Dwiswabhava rasi with earthy nature is an easy target for causing a ‘shake’ by the malefic planets.
- Case studies 9, 10 and 14 show no affliction to Virgo. The devastation potential is less even if moon is afflicted.
- When all the planetary and sign based connections are present, the earthquake had been devastating.
- Less or nil affliction to moon ensures less or nil fatality.
- The high intensity ones have happened in the seas only, in the seismic zones of the world.
- The learning from this is that the astrologer must look for the planetary combination and the affliction to earthy signs. When they occur within the Thithi period (between Dwadasi and sashti) and when moon transits Vayu stars during that period, high intensity earthquakes can be expected in seismic zones of the world.
-:Anju Anand
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