Jagat Kundali
Just like to know the auspicious and inauspicious results in one's life, a horoscope is casted.
Every year with the ingress of Sun into Mesha, Jagat Kundali is casted in order to consider the auspicious and inauspicious events of the earth. Twelve houses of this Mundane Chart give prediction about the twelve months of the Samvatsar from Chaitra to Falgun.
A house in which a benefic planet is posited will give auspicious results corresponding to that month. In the same way positing of a malefic planet in a house will give its inauspicious results in respect of the corresponding month.
निजोच्चे निजवरगे वा शुभ: पापोSपि वा भवेत्|
बलवान दोषविच्छेता हरिरेको यथा गजान||
In Samvat 2074 Sun will enter Aries on 26:04 ( 02:04 Night) Thursday,14April 2017. Sun ingress Aries in Sidhha Yoga, when Moon is posited in Libra Sign and Vishakha Nakshtra. The sign rising at the time of Mesha Sankranti is known as Jagat Lagna. This will happen in 2074 on Vaisakha Krishna Tritiya
Mesha is known as Samvatsar Mukha (mouth of Samvat Purusha).
At this time Makar Lagna is rising which is influence rashi for India. Jupiter is transiting in Virgo rashi aspected by Shani from 12H and both shani and guru are vakri at this stage shows there may be natural disasters in USA Pakistan and in India mainly Kashmir, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh, and Maharashtra will be impacted by some natural disaster like Earth quake.
Shani and Mangal are in Shadashtaka yoga shows trouble time for some distinguished notable person. Terrorism will rise.
Neighbors will pose continuous trouble for India on borders. As Guru aspects influence rashi of India (Makra) Indian PM will try successfully to establish good international relations.
The testing time for Modi suggest he should not neglect his personal security at any cost.
Lagnesh of fundamental chart of India is exalted at this time shows reputation if India will be on rise.
But guru, Shani and Shukra three vakri planets and Shukra and Guru in samasaptaka in the chart will be cause of concern for India, France, America, Germany, Russia etc. terrorism will rise here Islamic Fundamentalism will be on rise.
-:Anju Anand
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