Varah Mihira in his classical work has clearly mentioned that astrologer should be well versed in computation of the commencement and termination times of the 60 yuga year period, the Yuga (5 years Period), a year, a month, a day, Hora (an hour) and also of their respective lords.
षष्टयब्दयुगवर्षमासदिनहोराधिपतीनां प्रतिपत्तिच्छेदवित्
When Jupiter enters the first quarter of Dhanishtha and at the same time rises after getting eclipsed by Sun, in the month of Magha, Prabhav the first year of his cycle of 60 years comes into being and it will be beneficial to all.
Lunar month of Magha begins when Sun enters Aquarius (solar Falguna Month), above condition satisfied if Jupiter be in 9s-23°-21' and the Sun in 10s-06°-21'
as Jupiter rises at an interval of 13° between his longitude and Sun`s.
यत्रोत्तिष्ठति सहोदयमुपगच्छति येन देवपतिमंत्री
ततसंज्ञम वक्तव्यं वर्ष मासक्रमेणेव
ततसंज्ञम वक्तव्यं वर्ष मासक्रमेणेव
Ascertain the star in which Jupiter rises after conjunction with Sun
The star/ Nakshtra occupied by
Jupiter when he comes out from conjunction with Sun.
The name of that star
becomes the name of that Year and succeeding year bear the name of months in
their respective regular order. For example if Jupiter re emerges in the star Krittika then that year would be called "Karttika", succeeding years would be Margashirhsa, Pausha etc.
Jupiter years commence from Kartikka and consists of two asterism each beginning with Krittika and follows in regular manner. however 5, 10, 11 years comprise of 3 asterisms.
In the year 2017 Jupiter rises in the asterism of Swati, so the year will be called Chaitra (If Jupiter rises in Chitra or Swati year is named Chaitra)
विष्णु: सुरेज्यो बलभिद्भुता शास्त्वष्टौत्तरप्रोष्ठपदाधिपश्च
क्रमादयुगेशा: पितृ विश्वसोमशक्रानलाख्याश्विभगा: प्रदिष्टा:
क्रमादयुगेशा: पितृ विश्वसोमशक्रानलाख्याश्विभगा: प्रदिष्टा:
The lord of 12 Yugas (5 year periods) in the cycle of Jupiter are the following in order -1. Vishnu, 2. Jupiter, 3. Indra, 4. Fire, 5. Tavsta (one of the prajapatis/ creators), 6. Ahirbudhanya, 7. The Manes, 8. Vishvedeva (the All gods), 9. Soma (the Moon), 10. Indragni, 11. The Ashvins, 12. Bhaga (the Sun).
Out of these 12 first four vishnu, Jupiter, Indra, and Fire are the foremost and the best; next four Tavsta, Ahirbudhanya, The Manes and Vishvedev are moderate whereasthe last four The Moon, Indragni, Ashvin and The Sun are the worst.
Vedanga Jyotish
approves a Yuga of 5 years
परिवत्सरोSर्क इदादिक: शीतमयूखमालि
स्यादीद्वत्सर: शैलसुतापतिश्च||२४||
Names of five year of
Jupiter in a lustrum along with their deities are
1. Samvatsar (संवत्सर)– Agni
2. Parisamvatsar (परिवत्सर) – Sun
3. Idavatsar (इदावत्सर) – Moon
4. Anuvastar (अनुवत्सर) – Prajapati
5. Idavavastara (इद्ववत्सर)– Rudra
In the first-year
rainfall is equally distributed
In second year rain
fall is good in the beginning but not afterwards.
In the third year there
is plenty of rain throughout the season.
In the fourth year
there is late rains mostly towards the end of season.
In the fifth-year
scanty rain fall throughout the rainy season
(Shravana, Bhadrapada, Aswayuja
and Kartika are rainy season, even distribution of rains means equal rain in four months)
There are 12 Yugas or five yug periods in a cycle of 60 years and their lord as stated below
Name of Years
1 Yuga
Prabhav, Vibhav,
Shukal, Pramoda, Prajapati
They are
beneficial in the order. In these rulers govern so well that being get rid of
all the fears, curses of Kaliage, Subject is content and happy.
2 Yuga
Srimukha, Bhava, Yuva and Dhatu
First Three are
auspicious and remaining two are moderate. Abundant rain in first three years
and people will be free from affliction and fear. In the last two years rains
will be equally distributed but there will be outbreak of disease and war.
3 Yuga
Bahudhanya, Pramathin, Vikrama and Vrisha
First two are
auspicious and will bestow thefruit of the golden age on the people. Last two
will give plenty of food grains and risk from diseases.
4 Yuga
Subhanu, Taran, Parthiva, Vyaya
Chitrabhanu is
declared best, Subhanu is medium as it brings sickness without mortality,
Taran gives rains, Parthiva is declared to give luxuriant crops, and the
Vayaya is auspsicous as love reigns supreme and festivities will be the order
of the day
5 Yuga
Sarvadharan, Virodhin, Vikrita and Khara.
All bring about
dread, danger except Sarvadharan
6 Yuga
Nandana, Vijaya,
Jaya, Manmatha, and Durmukha
The first three
are proitious, Monmath id middleing and the last one will prove the worst of
the lot.
7 Yuga
The Manes
Vilambi, Vikari, Sarvari and Plava
First year will
have stormy rains accompanied by the six fold afflictions. Next year crops
and rains will be scanty, third year will prove disastrous through floods and
fourth year will usher in famine. Last year Plava will prove auspicious.
8 Yuga
Shubhakrit, Krodhi, Vishwavasu and Prabhav
First two brings
joy and contentment ot the people. The third will prove very malefic and the
last will be middling. In the fifth year there will be fire, affliction
caused by war and disease and the brahmin and kettle will suffer.
9 Yuga
Keelaka, Saumya, Sadharan and Rodhakrit
Of these Keelaka
and Sadharan are good while Plavanga will prove troublesome in many ways t
people. In the year Sadharan there will not be much rains and there will be
six fold affliction. In the fifth year rains will be unequally distributed
but crops will flourish.
10 Yuga
Pramadi, Ananda, Rakshasha, and Anala.
In the year
Paridhavi central part of country will suffer and a king will die. There will
be dearth of water and troubles from fire. In the year Pramadi people will be
lazy, there will be war and red flowers and red seeds will be destroyed. Next
Ananda will bring joy to all. Next Rakshasha and Anala will produce a general
decay the former will be marked by growth of summer crops and the latter by
outbreak of fires and epidemics.
11 Yuga
Kalayukta, Siddhartha, Raudra and Durmati
In the first
year there will be excessive rains, robbers will increase. People will suffer
from asthama, cough followed by shaking of jaws. Year Kalayukta has got many
defects and evils while the year Siddhartha is contains many good qualities.
In Raudra there will be much suffering and loss. Durmati will have medium
12 yuga
Udgari (Rudhirodgari), Raktaksha, Krodha and Kshaya.
Dundhubhi will
be marked by the growth of plenty of food grains, in Udgari kings will suffer
and rains will also be uneven and irregular. In Raktaksha there will be
general danger caused by tusked animals like boar and disease. In Krodha
people will become subjected to anger, hatred and kingdome will be devastated
through wars. Kshaya brings all kind of loss and destruction, panic among
brahmins but agriculture flourish.
-:Anju Anand
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