To know the auspicious and inauspicious results in an individual's life, a horoscope at the time of birth is casted. Same way to know the auspicious and inauspicious results in the world JAGAT KUNALI is casted every year. When Sun enters Aries/Mesha te chart casted at that particular moment is called Jagat Kundali.
Twelve houses of this Mundane Chart give prediction about the twelve months of the Samvatsar from Chaitra to Falgun. A house in which a benefic planet is posited will give auspicious results corresponding to that month. In the same way positing of a malefic planet in a house will give its inauspicious results in respect of the corresponding month.
In Samvat 2075 Sun will enter Niryana Aries (Mesha) at 08:12 A.M. on Saturday,14 April 2018. Sun ingress Aries in Aindra Yoga (ऐन्द्र योग), while Moon is posited in Pisces Sign and Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshtra.
The sign rising at the time of Mesha Sankranti is known as Jagat Lagna.
Lagna- Taurus
Rashi- Pisces
Yoga - Aindra
Nakshtra - Uttara Bhadrapada
Tithi - Vaishakha Krishna Triyodashi
Samvatsar - Virodh Krit (4th of Rudra Vunshati in the Navam Yuga)
As with the ingress of sun Jagat kundli is casted as Aries (Mesha) is known as Samvatsar Mukha (mouth of Samvat Purusha).
In the Samvat 2075 at the time of Sun`s ingress Taurus is rising and Lagna Lord Venus is posited in 12H with exalted Sun. lagna lord is in Vayaya Sthana, but aspected by Jupiter the lord of 12H. Ketu is posited in Capricorn. Capricorn is taken as influential Rashi of India, the Lord of Capricorn Saturn is posited with Mars in Sagittarius in 7H of Jagat Kundali. This position will add to the glory of India on world level. but will also create tension in border areas with neighboring countries, leading turbulent situations in bordering states.
Presence of Saturn and Mars in Sagittarius in Jagat Kundali may bring loss because of natural calamities in Muslim nations. Terror activities will be on the rise.
Although SamaSaptaka of Sun and Lagnesh Venus with Jupiter is auspicious for our country but somewhere China mae create discomfort in bordering states.
Ingress of Sun during the day in Jagat Kundali ensures congenial environment with foreign nations.
#विक्रम_संवत्_2075, #Samvatsar_2075, Hindu_Nav_Varsh_2075, Samvat_2075, Jagat_Kundali, World_Horoscope, Mundane_Astrology, Mundane_Astrology_and_World_Affairs
Twelve houses of this Mundane Chart give prediction about the twelve months of the Samvatsar from Chaitra to Falgun. A house in which a benefic planet is posited will give auspicious results corresponding to that month. In the same way positing of a malefic planet in a house will give its inauspicious results in respect of the corresponding month.
निजोच्चे निजवरगे वा शुभ: पापोSपि वा भवेत्|
बलवान दोषविच्छेता हरिरेको यथा गजान||
In Samvat 2075 Sun will enter Niryana Aries (Mesha) at 08:12 A.M. on Saturday,14 April 2018. Sun ingress Aries in Aindra Yoga (ऐन्द्र योग), while Moon is posited in Pisces Sign and Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshtra.
The sign rising at the time of Mesha Sankranti is known as Jagat Lagna.
Lagna- Taurus
Rashi- Pisces
Yoga - Aindra
Nakshtra - Uttara Bhadrapada
Tithi - Vaishakha Krishna Triyodashi
Samvatsar - Virodh Krit (4th of Rudra Vunshati in the Navam Yuga)
As with the ingress of sun Jagat kundli is casted as Aries (Mesha) is known as Samvatsar Mukha (mouth of Samvat Purusha).
In the Samvat 2075 at the time of Sun`s ingress Taurus is rising and Lagna Lord Venus is posited in 12H with exalted Sun. lagna lord is in Vayaya Sthana, but aspected by Jupiter the lord of 12H. Ketu is posited in Capricorn. Capricorn is taken as influential Rashi of India, the Lord of Capricorn Saturn is posited with Mars in Sagittarius in 7H of Jagat Kundali. This position will add to the glory of India on world level. but will also create tension in border areas with neighboring countries, leading turbulent situations in bordering states.
Presence of Saturn and Mars in Sagittarius in Jagat Kundali may bring loss because of natural calamities in Muslim nations. Terror activities will be on the rise.
Although SamaSaptaka of Sun and Lagnesh Venus with Jupiter is auspicious for our country but somewhere China mae create discomfort in bordering states.
Ingress of Sun during the day in Jagat Kundali ensures congenial environment with foreign nations.
नीजोच्चे निजवर्गे वा शुभ: पापोSपि वा भवेत् |
बलवान दोषविच्छेत्ता हरिरेको यथा गजान ||
The Ascendant Taurus is rising with Pisces Navamsha Lagna. The Ascendant being Earthy sign and Lagna Navamsha in Water sign and is over all a favorable disposition hinting at a year of progress and development for the country with government displaying a strong steak of pragmatism in its policies and approach to major issues facing the nation. Months of Ashada, Bhdrapada, Pausha and Magha will be important in view of world affairs on negative side.
Varsh Lagna is the same as the lagna of Indian Independent Chart. Lagna Lord is in 12H with 4L Sun.
Some major natural calamity may impact countries like Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, Taiwan and Bangladesh during the month of Jyeshtha.
The combination of Mars and Saturn in the 8th house of Chart indicates that tension between North and South Korea may increase. In home front this conjunction indicates tax reforms making it easy for the govt to repay National debts, higher expenditure on the part of govt. towards the expansion program.
Position of Jupiter in 6H in Venus sign indicates many benefits to armed forces. Their service conditions indicate improvement with big increase in their salaries. There will be expansion in the armed forces providing better opportunities of promotion amongst the members of the forces. The armed forces will be in fine shape and if hostilities break out/at this moment, then victory is assured. Overall health of people will be good.
Saturn in the eighth is generally very evil, Moreover Saturn will be retrograde during April to September. The democratic elements in the country may have a very bad time. They may be imprisoned or otherwise made to suffer. People may face catastrophes like famine, drought etc. The death or overthrow of the ruler in power is indicated by Saturn's situation in the eighth. Saturn's situation in the eighth adversely affects the cabinet which may be reshuffled a number of times and many ministers dropped.Govt may cuts down social security benefits and imposes capital gain taxes.
Insurance companies are required to pay heavy sums. Scientific organizations suffer.
Presence of Rahu in 3H may incite crime on the railways and other modes of transport and also in the communication department which could include murders, dacoities, cheating violence, assault, thefts, gambling etc. It will bring about strained relations with the neighboring countries and the urge will be to engage in war with them.
On the other hand presence of Ketu in 9H is also very evil and may indicate murder or assassination of the ruler or top govt officials, judges, religious persons, naval persons, ambassadors, officials in insurance, etc. There will be secret intrigues in the foreign ministry leading to treachery and traitorous acts against the country.
-:Anju Anand
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