deaths for many by way of rail/ road or air accidents is attributed to ruling
planets for the day.
For air accidents, the planets responsible are Jupiter and Venus- both significations of Aero planes. In addition, the major role is played by Saturn and Mars in addition to two Nodes of the Moon i.e. Rahu and Ketu. The Sun when debilitated and when having no force also plays its part. Mercury- the Planets of Wings cannot be ignored. In addition, the outer planets i.e. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto also contribute to such tragedies.
Varaharamihra says if planets are in nakshatra of Uttara Phalguni, Haste, Chitra, Swati, Punarvasu , Mrigshira and Ashvini , then an eclipse in Vayvya Mandal (windy circle) will trigger the Earthquake or Air accidents.
Eclipse and Mars Triggering the eclipse point are the crucial parameters for these disasters.
Gemini sign is more involved in air accidents
-:Anju Anand
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