Entry of Sun in Twelve Signs (Rashis)
The Multt-Slep Scheme
It sometimes becomes very necessary to find out which particular month in the life of a nation is likely to become historic In terms of achievement or disaster.
This Is done easily by making what is known as the Surya Veedhi or solar ingress chart.
Twelve charts are prepared for entry of Sun In 12 rashis.
Special consideration is given to entry of Sun In cardinal signs or char a rashis 1.4, 7 and I 0 (Aries. Cancer, Libra and Capricorn).
It is believed by astrologers that the soorya Veedhi charts for chara rashis gives results for the coming three months which means that one year can be divided into four quarters for such predictions.
Special attention should be paid to the position of the Sun and malefic or benefic aspects received by it. The matters pertaining to the house where Sun Is located would figure prominently during the year.
If Sun Is located In the 6th house and a malefic planet like Mars, Rahu or Saturn are transiting over it then there will be serious border dashes.
The lordship of the aspectlng planets are also Important.
If Sun is in the 7th house receiving malefic aspects of Mars etc. then there could be chances of war as 7th house represents war.
First house should be examined very carefully as It depicts nation as a whole and the general conditions of the country and other houses are also examined in similar way
.:Anju Anand
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