Entry of sun in Ardra:
Date: 21 June 2016
Time of ingress : 22:52:06
Tithi: Shuka Paksh Dwitiya
month : Ashada
Nakshtra: Punarvasu (Important for forecasting weather phenomenon.)
Day: Tuesday
Yog: Brahm
As per Hindu vedic Astrology the entry of Sun in Ardra Nakshtra marks the beginning of rainy season in northern India. Horoscope chart is constructed for that particular moment clear indications about the direction and strength of monsoon.
The monsoon season beginning from Ardra lasts till the entry of Sun in Swati Nakshatra.
This happens normally during 21st/22nd/23rd June every year. This year (2016) Sun enters into Ardra Nakshatra on 21 June 2016 @ 22:56:06 hours, Ashad Shukal Pakash when dwitya Tithi has started; Purvvashada Nakshatra, Tuesday and in Brahm Yoga.
Ardra Pravesh is on Tuesday, there is a danger to the life of a national leader with some ammunition or sudden accident so top leaders should take steps for their security and should remain watchful.
The Ardra pravesh is in Purvashada. There will be a great criticism among the political parties of the country.
Brahm Yoga will result in medium rainfall and average production of grains and other food crops.
Ardra Parvesh is at night as such people will be comfortable and have sensual tendencies. Ardra Parvesh on second tithi and it will effect the export and import of wheat, pulses and clothes so it is expected that the prices of the items may fall.
At the time of Ardra Pravesh Ascendant rising is Aquarius which is airy sign. Ascendant lord Saturn who is an airy planet is posited in watery sign Scorpio.
Aspect of Jupiter from Simha Rashi on Lagna is favourable for monsoon.
Four planets, Sun, Mars, Venus and Ketu are in airy signs as such there will be strong winds blowing in some part of the country.
Meghesh Mars is in Tula Rashi (airy) which will effect the rainfall in some parts and hot winds will blow which will have effect on loss of crops and increase in temperature.
The trend of rainfall region wise is given below
1. East Zone : - (Bengal, Mizoram, Jharkhand, East Madhya Pradesh) Scorpio Rashi with 50% water contents in rising.
Ketu is posited in Ist house with Jupiter watery planet aspecting it. So there will be sufficient rains and also strong winds will be blowing due to Ketu.
In D-9 Sun and Saturn is in lagna and aspected also by Mars a hot planets. So too much hot season will be felt.
2. North East :- (Bhutan, Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal, Nagaland, Manipur, Sikkam). This zone is controlled by Aeries and Pisces with 25% and full water contents respectively.
No planet is posited in it. But Jupiter with full water contents is aspecting it. So there will excessive rains in the region. Also Mars is aspecting this region which will give too much rise in temperature.
3. North : - (Delhi, Panjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, U.P., Nepal, parts of Jammu & Kashmir) There is Taurus sign and Mercury is posited in it. Taurus has 50% water contents and Mercury is watery posited. There will be sufficient rains in this region. But Sat R is aspecting it and strong winds and dry spell will also be experienced.
4. North West : - (Western parts of Panjab, Hayrana and J & K) This region is controlled by Gemini and Cancer sign. Gemini sign has nil water contents and cacner has full water contents. Sun and Venus are posited in this region. There will sufficient rains in some parts and dry spell too much hot season will be experienced.
5. West : - (Gujrat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Daman & Diu, Sind) In the West of India there is Leo Rashi with nil water contents. But Jupiter a water planet in it will help to give some relief. Rahu will bring strong winds in this region & some parts may suffer due to shortage of rains.
6. South West : - (Kerala, Karnataka, West Coart, Goa and part of Maharashtra). This portion is controlled by Virgo with nil percentage of water contents and Libra with 25% of water contents. Mars R is also posited in this region. There will be below normal rains and excessive hot season in this region.
7. South :- (Tamil Nadu, Part of Andhra Pradesh, Pondichery). In the South of India Scorpio sign in rising. This is a watery sign and sufficient rains are expected. Also Mars is poisted in it which is dry planet. Shortage and rainfall below average is expected in some part of this region.
8. South East :- (Orissa, Parts of Andhra Pradesh, East coast Andaman and Nicobar) There is Sagittarius and Capricorn sign having 50% and 100% water contents respectively.
Also Moon watery planet is posited over there. Excessive rains are expected in this region and floods are also expected.
With the entering of Venus in Cancer rashi by the Ist week of July in 2016, So we can expect some delay of South West winds. Also Mercury will enter Cancer Rashi on 11th July, 2016. During this period we can expect sufficient rainfall. During October Sun will enter Swati Nakshatra and South West Monsoon will start withdrawing.
Result of Ardra Pravesh according to Moon;s constellation (Nakshtra)
The Entry of Sun In Ardra and its results
Effect of Sun's Entry in Ardra on different week days
Rain Fall in Year 2016
From June 21st to June 30th, 2016
(Based on Ardra Pravesha chart of June 21st)
A, The spread of planets between Sun and Moon’s constellation;
When Sun is in Male Nakshtra and Moon is in Female Nakshtra it indicates Heavy rains
and when Sun & Moon in Moon’s constellation (Short rains)
Sun in Ardra
Moon in P.Asada
Mars in Vishakha
Mercury in Rohini
Jupiter in P. Phalguni
Venus in Ardra
Saturn in Jyeshta
Rahu in P.Phalguni
Ketu in P. Bhadra
• Here 6 planets are in Sun`s Constellation and 3 planets are in Moon Constellation
• Sun and moon in Moon Constellation -Short rains
• Moon in Moon Constellation - Winds Blows
• Majority of planets in Sun Constellation - Scanty Rains
B. Sun in Male and Moon in Female (Heavy rains)
From June 21st to June 30th, 2016
(Based on Ardra Pravesha chart of June 21st)
A, The spread of planets between Sun and Moon’s constellation;
When Sun is in Male Nakshtra and Moon is in Female Nakshtra it indicates Heavy rains
and when Sun & Moon in Moon’s constellation (Short rains)
Sun in Ardra
Moon in P.Asada
Mars in Vishakha
Mercury in Rohini
Jupiter in P. Phalguni
Venus in Ardra
Saturn in Jyeshta
Rahu in P.Phalguni
Ketu in P. Bhadra
• Here 6 planets are in Sun`s Constellation and 3 planets are in Moon Constellation
• Sun and moon in Moon Constellation -Short rains
• Moon in Moon Constellation - Winds Blows
• Majority of planets in Sun Constellation - Scanty Rains
B. Sun in Male and Moon in Female (Heavy rains)
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