Each planet may be seen as representing a function which helps bind the nation into a State . . . The Sun represents allegiance to a common authority and heritage; the Moon represents the unity of mass opinion; Mercury the necessity of communication; and Venus all those things which make it pleasant for people to stay together.
The Sun, Moon and planets have a special significance in Mundane Astrology as they represent certain classes of the community in every nation and country. The following are the different classes and particular matters ruled by the planets:
The Sun – Surya, The Government, Prime Minister, President of the country, beaurocracy, big commercial firms, police, first and ninth houses.
It is the principal planet in any horoscope and represents the "heart of the chart."
The Sun in a mundane chart will indicate indicate the essential character of the state or nation, or an organization. It stands for supreme authority; the sovereign body; the head of the nation, the government or executive head.
It rules the President, King, Nobles, persons of distinction, influential political or business leaders, corporation heads. It represents new undertakings, judges and person in authority and those who earned big name and reputation in the country.
In case of a country, Sun represents prime Minister, his Cabinet and State Ministers, and in case of a State, It represents Chief Ministers, his Cabinet including other Ministers.
Sun also represents Senior officers of the Government and Chief Executive of a company, Judges, Magistrates, and influential political leaders, religious leaders, business men, top army officers, and all those persons functioning as a law enforcing authority are represented by Sun. In case of Schools and Colleges, heads of Schools and Principals are included in Sun.
It also represents public heroes and national champions.
The condition of the Sun reflects many things about the well-being of the nation and how it is viewed by other nations.
Difficult aspects show tensions.
If Sun is afflicted the nation becomes conceited and self centered.
In diseases, heart and its related problems, headache, weak eye-sight, baldness, low blood pressure, sun stroke, scorches etc.
The products covered are copper, ruby, wheat, gur, almonds, chillies, saffron, medicinal herbs, lion and horses.
It rules East direction.
The Moon – Chandra, The Administrator, the Cabinet, resources, fourth and seventh houses.
The Moon in mundane astrology signifies the people in general or common men, the masses, and the population as a whole. It rules women in general and the manner in which they are regarded and treated.
It represents popular public opinion democracy, matters of common and public nature. It represents fishing industry and navigation, oceans and pearls, water transport, nursing profession, air hostesses, merchants, travelling agencies and salesmen.
Moon signifies political disturbances, sedition, rebellions, fires accidents, sexual crimes, stolen goods.
Moon represents nursing profession, midwife, dealers in merchandise items, groceries, store keepers, common vegetables, fish ponds, dealers in fluids, oceans, watery place, swimming pool, sea port, ship, beverages, brewery and other watery transport system of the country.
In case of disease Watery disease like cold, cough, throat trouble dysentery, vomiting and mental disease like lunacy, hysteria, epilepsy and hydrocele, intestines and worms, tumours etc. are covered by Moon.
The products covered are milk, curd, ghee, butter, cream, cooked food, salt, rice, pearl and fruit juices.
If afflicted it shows unrest or discord among people. It has to do with the quality of life, water and food supplies, natural resources, health, utilities and jobs connected to public essentials.
The position of the Moon in a mundane chart will show where the public's attention falls.
If in good aspect, the Moon promotes peace, promises plentiful harvests, and indicates conditions of well-being for the population.
When moon is heavily afflicted in the horoscope it would mean important changes are going to take place which may portend ill for country .
At the times of major calamities like war and earth quakes moon has a major role as it serves the purpous of lighting the event.
The products covered are milk, curd, ghee, butter, cream, cooked food, salt, rice, pearl and fruit juices
Mars – Mangala Army, police and anti-social elements when under the influence of Rahu or the lord of the eighth or twelfth house. Mars signifies third and tenth houses.
Mars in Mundane astrology signifies military leaders, police, engineers, surgeons, people liable to die, militants, agitators, incendiaries, criminals, butchers, and crimes of violence. Unnatural and violent deaths, mass murders, mass tragedy.
Mars either drives a nation together or drives it apart from internal/external aggression. Mars also represents a society's need to have enemies as a vehicle for expressing its internal frustrations and violence. Mars plays a part in riots, acts of terrorism, and anti-social behaviors that result in crimes of violence. Mars' energy can also impel a society to grow and achieve greater heights. It is the energetic drive for good or ill which motivates the collective.
It shows political disturbances, sedition, rebellions, sexual crimes and stolen goods. Its actions are sudden and disruptive.
It rules men and signifies those who fight or quarrel. It rules war and the armed forces. Mars shows areas under stress, according to sign, house and aspects. In aspect to the Sun it can stir up commotions.
It is planet of war or strife, accidents, murders, abductions, militants, decoity and burglary. Voilence in every form fires explosions, armed conflicts and war.
It signifies ammunition, aggerssion, assaults, agitators, butchers, executers, destruction, battle and battle fields. Mars governs the noted military and naval men, terrorist attacks, fire and fire service, arson incendiarism, opposition forces.
Manufacturing and industrial progress if mars is beneficaly placed, iron and steel works.
When in favorable aspect it shows a firm but balanced use of power. If overhead, it usually indicates that military matters come to the fore.
Mars transits through an Ingress often acts as a timer for action in regard to what was indicated in the chart.
Conjoined with Saturn gives evil results like war and civil strife.
The diseases ruled by it are fever, small pox, chicken pox, bruises, wounds, tumor, ENT, high blood pressure, bleeding, hernia, fistula, carbuncles, brain fever, deformity & abortion.
Mercury – Budha, Strategists, advisors to head of state and intellectuals.
Mercury in mundane astrology signifies all forms of communication; newspapers, magazines, publishers, press, periodicals, editors, reporters.mail, speech, posts and telegraph, television, advertisement, announcers, broad-casters, fax, telex, mail, satellite communications, weather-forecast.
It includes educational institutions, libraries, seminars, manuscripts, delegates, draughtsman, handwriting, type-writers, lecturers, expression, political discussions, forgers, pick pockets, cheating, lawyers, court of law, and affidavit.
Methods of communication including railroads, planes, ships, streets, freeways, mail, speech, writing, the internet, email, public transportation, etc. It relates to the intellectual systems of a nation including education, literature, ideological "movements," schools and trades. Political speeches, such as the President's State Address, media events, news coverage, etc., are all Mercury's domain.
Mercury signifies all forms of transportation, local transport issues, travel agents, navigation, rail routes, railway stations, traffic, trains, bus stands and manner of travel by road, highway, railway, sea, or air.
Mercury governs education and intellectual trends, schools, and media events. In good aspect Mercury indicates high literacy rates, satisfactory educational systems and free flowing information.
If afflicted, Mercury may show high rates of traffic fatalities or transportation accidents, or may mean suppression of information, problems connected to teachers or young people.
Amongst disease it includes mental weakness, nervous breakdown, impotency, deafness, disease of vocal organs, stammering, asthama, palpitation, leucoderma.
Venus – Shukra, represents Resources, hotels, women folk, cinema industry, arts and leisure industry, theatre, entertainment, copper, money and jewlary.
Venus in mundane astrology signifies that which is pleasant and enjoyable such as the arts, art dealers, entertainment, music and other social pleasures, as well as diplomacy, decorum and ceremonial functions.. It is associated with both peace (soft aspects) and with war, or involvement in negotiations leading to peace. It rules fashion and glamour, artists and the feminine, aesthetics and cultural areas. It is connected with national resources and finances through bankers, financial institutions and farming.
Venus signifies young women, courtship and marriage, sexual relations, marriage, marriage rates, and birth of children, also social factors connected to marriage and children.
Venus signifies the treaties with neighbouring countries, Peace and diplomatic resolutions, partnership, contracts and architecture.
Venus signifies bank, peace, auction, beauty parlours, bed room, cabarettes, casino, ball room, social club, concerts, cosmetics, modelling, court-ship, nurses, hotels, Artists, musicians and the arts. Facilities for sport and entertainment.
Venus signifies enacting of just and righteous laws, also has control over judges, jury and courts of law.
Venus represents the arts, harmony, plays, theatre, peace and also has strong associations with war. Fashion, glamour, artists, the "feminine archetype" of the nation. Also, a nation's resources, banks, bankers, farmers and farming. (Taurus/earth/Venus).
Amongst products it includes, textile, silk, rayon, ladies clothes, toilet articles.
It includes diseases like venereal, gonorrhea, syphilis, skin, eczema, leprosy, leukoderma, affection in eyes, swelling, anemia, ovaries, mucous, complaints due to over indulgence in amusements, drinks and eatings, irregularity in catamania
An afflicted Venus may indicate cultural or artistic suppression, or censure.
Jupiter – Guru Diplomatic attaches, advisors to head of state, teachers, judiciary and banking systems.
Jupiter is treated as a planet of benevolence, Jupiter often signifies good where it falls. As an expanding force, it may mean increase or gains. It has to do with financial and trade relations globally.
Jupiter signifies banking and finance, capital markets, brokers, bonds, treasuries, capitalism, business in general, lawyers, judges, advocates, mosque, churches, religion, religious mutts, sport people, speculations, shipping and foreign affairs.
Jupiter signifies prosperity, peace, international cooperation, benevolent funds, export activities, religion and philosophy, churches, mosques, temples, shrines and other religious institutions and heads of religious institutions, pilgrimages, prophets, philanthropist, educational institutions, charitable institutions, schools, colleges, university.
Jupiter signifies religious books like Veda, Bible, Koran, Guru Granth Saheb.
It rules religion, the clergy, educational institutes, judges and the high courts. It rules over import-export, foreign affairs, expansions of hospitals, educational institutes, banking and insurence industry and other charitable institutes.
In short it rules the religious and judicial world; the national or state religion, priests, divines. The justice system and prominent judges, barristers. National inquests. The nation's wealth, banks and bankers.
It rules treaties and borders between countries.
Common values, belief systems, and theology, which is the backbone of religious doctrines practiced by the people, stand under Jupiter's umbrella. Jurisprudence and the higher laws of metaphysics are all associated with Jupiter. Social consciousness, political aspirations and/or organized political participation to better conditions for the collective also stand with Jupiter. Ministers, rabbis, priests, including New Age philosophers such as Marianne Williamson all resonate to Jupiter's far reaching and idealistic drive to expand to higher levels.
Religion and law throughout history have also functioned as controls upon the masses. One or the other can just as easily imprison as liberate. Karl Marx said, "Religion is the opiate of the people." Billy Graham says that eternal salvation is found through accepting Christ as personal Lord and Savior. Both are talking about freedom, yet both see it through the lens of their cultural mileus. Therefore, Jupiterian contributions to the collective are wired into the grand initiation cycles commencing with Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions.
Jupiter’s favorable aspects promote peace and diplomacy. Afflicted, Jupiter may bring border disputes, import/export problems, international predicaments, overproduction, or religious suppression.
Afflicted Jupiter brings over optimism, excess extravagance and exaggeration.
It includes disease like liver complaints, jaundice, dropsy, flatulence, abscess, cerebral congestion, cataract, diabetes, vertigo.
Amongst products it includes, gold, yellow sapphire, peepul tree and yellow coloured products.
Saturn – Shani, Civil servants, low technology industry and mines.
Saturn signifies agriculture, land owners, farmers, mine operators, iron ores, democracy, elderly persons, public buildings, national calamities, scarcities. It rules minor state execs, law enforcement agencies, state run businesses and corporations. Saturn represents the conservative side of society and governs justice, order, systems and prudence.
In a Lunation, Saturn often shows where there is the devil to pay, associated with misfortune or lack, especially when angular or afflicted. If in favorable aspect Saturn stabilizes, strengthens, promotes safety and thrift, indicating conservative actions and responsible attitudes.
Saturn is a planet of contraction and depression. The market conditions will be depressed, the country would pass through periods of stagnation and economic decline.
It signifies labor class like night workers, night watchman, and everything pertaining to it.
Saturn signifies strikes, lock out, labour unrest, labour laws, its enactment and enforcement, discontentment and revolution. Farmers and farm land, famines and drought.
It signifies democracy and all forms of democratic institutions, emergencies and nationalisation. Also signifies national calamities and tragedies like earthquakes and floods.
It signifies fall in country`s export, difficulty in foriegn exchange and wastage of piblic money. It signifies heavy taxes and introduction of rationing.
Saturn signifies skin, animal hides, leather, municiple elections, death of prominent leader, national mourning, war, death of old rebellion and overthrow of ruler.
Saturn creates the necessary order, structure, form, and functions to mitigate the chaotic factors inherent in the negotiations of group enterprises. Saturn is associated with institutions representing the legal system, civil service, and all restraining/restricting forces in society. Saturn is rules, procedures, and guidelines. Saturn is associated with the administration of justice and has its affiliations with police (law enforcement) and the regimentation of military life and discipline. The attitude of a nation toward law, order, taboos, old practices, the old guard in politics, etc., are also associated with Saturn.
Saturn has chief influence over elderly people and governs the national death rate. Life-threatening epidemics. Land-owners, farmers, mines, coal, and industries connected to metals and minerals. State funerals, public sorrow, and disappointment.
Saturn governs all lands, minerals and underground wealth especially mining and oil. Since ot rules land it signifies loss and gain of territory in war, If lord of 6 or 11 and has no malefic aspect country may gain territory in war.
It represent barbarians dark persons, deceit, falsehood and secret enemies.
Asceticism, bankruptcy, civil services, prisoners and martyrs.
Saturn also includes commodities extracted from earth, natural calamities, like famine, drought, flood, earthquake etc. It includes, mines, tunnels, minerals, natural resources from mines, death of ruler, imposition of heavy taxes. Amongst the products it includes, skin, animal, hides, leather, barley, tapioca, mustard oil, crude oil, wine, wool, hemp, crow, buffalo.
The disease caused by Saturn are paralysis, insanity, limb injury, cancer, glandular disease, heart pain, rheumatism consumption. It denotes delay, deceit, denial, despair, decay, destruction etc.
Rahu -- Rahu is a shadowy planet and as such it either exposes secret thing or hides or keeps secret.
Diplomatic moves, manipulations and deceit. Rahu represents crime, war, voilence and disasters of worst kind. It is very potent evil when it conjoins Saturn or Mars.
It signifies invasion, over-power of enemies, political plots, religious riots, violence, imprisonment, telegraph, radio, telephone, sudden expenditure, planning, venomous reptiles, foreign languages, inflammable gases, secret doctrine, divorce, infamous character, corruption, gambling, exile, caves, grave yards, epidemics like plague, cancer, skin disease, homo-sexuality, aids.
It also includes love affairs, ill health, amputation of the body part, out caste, mosquito, bugs, insects, serpents, inventors, astrologers, spies, south-west direction.
Its effects are especially bad in evil houses like 6 – 8 – 12. It is planet of aggressiveness and stands for rebellion and mutiny. It rules aerial navigation, electronics and radio. It is akin to Saturn in Vedic Astrology.
It also signifies riots, political plots, spies and imprisonment. Slavery and death by suffocation.
It is anti religious anti social and is a cheat and believer in falsehood, jealous and robbery. Strikes, mobs and roiting are its forte.
It represents sudden accidents, poisonous gases. It signifies foreigner, mohhemdans and immigration to foriegn countries
It has a bog hand in spreading disease like plague, epidemics and cancer, skin deseases and eczema other disease ruled by it are hiccup, slowness of action, insanity, intestinal trouble, ulcer, boils, gas trouble, acute pain.
ketu: Natural calamities, violent (actions or events)
Ketu in general signifies trouble to/from enemies, death in battle field, assassination, murder, traitors, sudden mishap, severe penalties, deception, self-immolation, spiritual renunciation, The diseases caused by it are cancer, leprosy, consumption, plague and skin disease.
Ketu is like Mars and is also karaka for destruction, war, secret plots and strife, self immolation and suicide.
It represents decoit, treachery, war and death in battlefield, sudden success and failure. It signifies cotton, ready-made garments, watches, time pieces, clocks, TV, computers, liquors, drugs, conspiracy, murders, espionage
It represents non Hindus
Uranus – planet of extremes and of unexpected
Uranus – Signifies air and rail transport, aeronautics, inventions, technology, electricity and radio frequency industries, civic and labor organizations. Afflicted, Uranus can bring strikes or riots, upheavals, revolution, lawlessness or protests. It may also bring air travel accidents, train derailments or explosions. If impacting weather by falling on the cusp of the Fourth House or angular, it can mean tornadoes, high winds, hurricanes, typhoons, severe lightning storms or earthquakes.
Uranus signifies Labor unions in their objects and the methods employed, such as strikes, Reform movements of all kinds, unusual methods of bussiness, radical changes, intolerance. It rules over spirit, thought, mental, new ideas that erupt in the collective; creativity, innovation, ideas a little too advanced for the world at that time, ocult or hidden activity, revolutions, upheavals, activities which create pressure (even with violence) in order to meet the goals; politically represents the right wing, but can also represent autocratic regimes.
Uranus signifies reformers, inventors, rebels, activists, prophets, visionaries.
Uranus loves the new and the unusual, and hesitates not at all to discard the tried and trusted methods in favor of more original plans
Neptune – Signifies social movements, socialistic political movements, charities, socialized medicine and hospitalization. It rules collective values, popular opinion fluctuations, utopian ideas and the little people. It has to do with the conditions of the disadvantaged.
It rules drugs and pharmaceuticals, tobacco, alcohol, photography, oil, gas, petroleum, kerosene, and the oceans.
An afflicted Neptune may indicate political instability, collapse, elements of distortion, fraud or corruption. If angular it may indicate landslides, marine disasters, dam breaks, tidal waves, gas leaks, contagion or infestations.
Uranus means ideas, ideology, Neptune means feelings.
It signifies people who cheat and bring confusion, deception.
Pluto – Signifies the mob psychology and power of the masses. It has to do with regeneration and transformation and if in favorable aspect shows where improvements and better organization can come about. Pluto often shows where there are complications though and if afflicted may indicate sociological upheavals, power struggles, terrorism or corruption. Pluto rules nuclear power, plutonium, radium, zinc, tungsten, nickel, infrared rays and lasers. Stressful aspects of Pluto may produce volcanoes, earthquakes, oil spills, fires, war, mudslide, avalanches or anything which involves widespread death and destruction.
The Sun, Moon and planets have a special significance in Mundane Astrology as they represent certain classes of the community in every nation and country. The following are the different classes and particular matters ruled by the planets:
The Sun – Surya, The Government, Prime Minister, President of the country, beaurocracy, big commercial firms, police, first and ninth houses.
It is the principal planet in any horoscope and represents the "heart of the chart."
The Sun in a mundane chart will indicate indicate the essential character of the state or nation, or an organization. It stands for supreme authority; the sovereign body; the head of the nation, the government or executive head.
It rules the President, King, Nobles, persons of distinction, influential political or business leaders, corporation heads. It represents new undertakings, judges and person in authority and those who earned big name and reputation in the country.
In case of a country, Sun represents prime Minister, his Cabinet and State Ministers, and in case of a State, It represents Chief Ministers, his Cabinet including other Ministers.
Sun also represents Senior officers of the Government and Chief Executive of a company, Judges, Magistrates, and influential political leaders, religious leaders, business men, top army officers, and all those persons functioning as a law enforcing authority are represented by Sun. In case of Schools and Colleges, heads of Schools and Principals are included in Sun.
It also represents public heroes and national champions.
The condition of the Sun reflects many things about the well-being of the nation and how it is viewed by other nations.
Difficult aspects show tensions.
If Sun is afflicted the nation becomes conceited and self centered.
In diseases, heart and its related problems, headache, weak eye-sight, baldness, low blood pressure, sun stroke, scorches etc.
The products covered are copper, ruby, wheat, gur, almonds, chillies, saffron, medicinal herbs, lion and horses.
It rules East direction.
The Moon – Chandra, The Administrator, the Cabinet, resources, fourth and seventh houses.
The Moon in mundane astrology signifies the people in general or common men, the masses, and the population as a whole. It rules women in general and the manner in which they are regarded and treated.
It represents popular public opinion democracy, matters of common and public nature. It represents fishing industry and navigation, oceans and pearls, water transport, nursing profession, air hostesses, merchants, travelling agencies and salesmen.
Moon signifies political disturbances, sedition, rebellions, fires accidents, sexual crimes, stolen goods.
Moon represents nursing profession, midwife, dealers in merchandise items, groceries, store keepers, common vegetables, fish ponds, dealers in fluids, oceans, watery place, swimming pool, sea port, ship, beverages, brewery and other watery transport system of the country.
In case of disease Watery disease like cold, cough, throat trouble dysentery, vomiting and mental disease like lunacy, hysteria, epilepsy and hydrocele, intestines and worms, tumours etc. are covered by Moon.
The products covered are milk, curd, ghee, butter, cream, cooked food, salt, rice, pearl and fruit juices.
If afflicted it shows unrest or discord among people. It has to do with the quality of life, water and food supplies, natural resources, health, utilities and jobs connected to public essentials.
The position of the Moon in a mundane chart will show where the public's attention falls.
If in good aspect, the Moon promotes peace, promises plentiful harvests, and indicates conditions of well-being for the population.
When moon is heavily afflicted in the horoscope it would mean important changes are going to take place which may portend ill for country .
At the times of major calamities like war and earth quakes moon has a major role as it serves the purpous of lighting the event.
The products covered are milk, curd, ghee, butter, cream, cooked food, salt, rice, pearl and fruit juices
Mars – Mangala Army, police and anti-social elements when under the influence of Rahu or the lord of the eighth or twelfth house. Mars signifies third and tenth houses.
Mars in Mundane astrology signifies military leaders, police, engineers, surgeons, people liable to die, militants, agitators, incendiaries, criminals, butchers, and crimes of violence. Unnatural and violent deaths, mass murders, mass tragedy.
Mars either drives a nation together or drives it apart from internal/external aggression. Mars also represents a society's need to have enemies as a vehicle for expressing its internal frustrations and violence. Mars plays a part in riots, acts of terrorism, and anti-social behaviors that result in crimes of violence. Mars' energy can also impel a society to grow and achieve greater heights. It is the energetic drive for good or ill which motivates the collective.
It shows political disturbances, sedition, rebellions, sexual crimes and stolen goods. Its actions are sudden and disruptive.
It rules men and signifies those who fight or quarrel. It rules war and the armed forces. Mars shows areas under stress, according to sign, house and aspects. In aspect to the Sun it can stir up commotions.
It is planet of war or strife, accidents, murders, abductions, militants, decoity and burglary. Voilence in every form fires explosions, armed conflicts and war.
It signifies ammunition, aggerssion, assaults, agitators, butchers, executers, destruction, battle and battle fields. Mars governs the noted military and naval men, terrorist attacks, fire and fire service, arson incendiarism, opposition forces.
Manufacturing and industrial progress if mars is beneficaly placed, iron and steel works.
When in favorable aspect it shows a firm but balanced use of power. If overhead, it usually indicates that military matters come to the fore.
Mars transits through an Ingress often acts as a timer for action in regard to what was indicated in the chart.
Conjoined with Saturn gives evil results like war and civil strife.
The diseases ruled by it are fever, small pox, chicken pox, bruises, wounds, tumor, ENT, high blood pressure, bleeding, hernia, fistula, carbuncles, brain fever, deformity & abortion.
Mercury in mundane astrology signifies all forms of communication; newspapers, magazines, publishers, press, periodicals, editors, reporters.mail, speech, posts and telegraph, television, advertisement, announcers, broad-casters, fax, telex, mail, satellite communications, weather-forecast.
It includes educational institutions, libraries, seminars, manuscripts, delegates, draughtsman, handwriting, type-writers, lecturers, expression, political discussions, forgers, pick pockets, cheating, lawyers, court of law, and affidavit.
Methods of communication including railroads, planes, ships, streets, freeways, mail, speech, writing, the internet, email, public transportation, etc. It relates to the intellectual systems of a nation including education, literature, ideological "movements," schools and trades. Political speeches, such as the President's State Address, media events, news coverage, etc., are all Mercury's domain.
Mercury signifies all forms of transportation, local transport issues, travel agents, navigation, rail routes, railway stations, traffic, trains, bus stands and manner of travel by road, highway, railway, sea, or air.
Mercury governs education and intellectual trends, schools, and media events. In good aspect Mercury indicates high literacy rates, satisfactory educational systems and free flowing information.
If afflicted, Mercury may show high rates of traffic fatalities or transportation accidents, or may mean suppression of information, problems connected to teachers or young people.
Amongst disease it includes mental weakness, nervous breakdown, impotency, deafness, disease of vocal organs, stammering, asthama, palpitation, leucoderma.
Venus – Shukra, represents Resources, hotels, women folk, cinema industry, arts and leisure industry, theatre, entertainment, copper, money and jewlary.
Venus in mundane astrology signifies that which is pleasant and enjoyable such as the arts, art dealers, entertainment, music and other social pleasures, as well as diplomacy, decorum and ceremonial functions.. It is associated with both peace (soft aspects) and with war, or involvement in negotiations leading to peace. It rules fashion and glamour, artists and the feminine, aesthetics and cultural areas. It is connected with national resources and finances through bankers, financial institutions and farming.
Venus signifies young women, courtship and marriage, sexual relations, marriage, marriage rates, and birth of children, also social factors connected to marriage and children.
Venus signifies the treaties with neighbouring countries, Peace and diplomatic resolutions, partnership, contracts and architecture.
Venus signifies bank, peace, auction, beauty parlours, bed room, cabarettes, casino, ball room, social club, concerts, cosmetics, modelling, court-ship, nurses, hotels, Artists, musicians and the arts. Facilities for sport and entertainment.
Venus signifies enacting of just and righteous laws, also has control over judges, jury and courts of law.
Venus represents the arts, harmony, plays, theatre, peace and also has strong associations with war. Fashion, glamour, artists, the "feminine archetype" of the nation. Also, a nation's resources, banks, bankers, farmers and farming. (Taurus/earth/Venus).
Amongst products it includes, textile, silk, rayon, ladies clothes, toilet articles.
It includes diseases like venereal, gonorrhea, syphilis, skin, eczema, leprosy, leukoderma, affection in eyes, swelling, anemia, ovaries, mucous, complaints due to over indulgence in amusements, drinks and eatings, irregularity in catamania
An afflicted Venus may indicate cultural or artistic suppression, or censure.
Jupiter – Guru Diplomatic attaches, advisors to head of state, teachers, judiciary and banking systems.
Jupiter is treated as a planet of benevolence, Jupiter often signifies good where it falls. As an expanding force, it may mean increase or gains. It has to do with financial and trade relations globally.
Jupiter signifies banking and finance, capital markets, brokers, bonds, treasuries, capitalism, business in general, lawyers, judges, advocates, mosque, churches, religion, religious mutts, sport people, speculations, shipping and foreign affairs.
Jupiter signifies prosperity, peace, international cooperation, benevolent funds, export activities, religion and philosophy, churches, mosques, temples, shrines and other religious institutions and heads of religious institutions, pilgrimages, prophets, philanthropist, educational institutions, charitable institutions, schools, colleges, university.
Jupiter signifies religious books like Veda, Bible, Koran, Guru Granth Saheb.
It rules religion, the clergy, educational institutes, judges and the high courts. It rules over import-export, foreign affairs, expansions of hospitals, educational institutes, banking and insurence industry and other charitable institutes.
In short it rules the religious and judicial world; the national or state religion, priests, divines. The justice system and prominent judges, barristers. National inquests. The nation's wealth, banks and bankers.
It rules treaties and borders between countries.
Common values, belief systems, and theology, which is the backbone of religious doctrines practiced by the people, stand under Jupiter's umbrella. Jurisprudence and the higher laws of metaphysics are all associated with Jupiter. Social consciousness, political aspirations and/or organized political participation to better conditions for the collective also stand with Jupiter. Ministers, rabbis, priests, including New Age philosophers such as Marianne Williamson all resonate to Jupiter's far reaching and idealistic drive to expand to higher levels.
Religion and law throughout history have also functioned as controls upon the masses. One or the other can just as easily imprison as liberate. Karl Marx said, "Religion is the opiate of the people." Billy Graham says that eternal salvation is found through accepting Christ as personal Lord and Savior. Both are talking about freedom, yet both see it through the lens of their cultural mileus. Therefore, Jupiterian contributions to the collective are wired into the grand initiation cycles commencing with Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions.
Jupiter’s favorable aspects promote peace and diplomacy. Afflicted, Jupiter may bring border disputes, import/export problems, international predicaments, overproduction, or religious suppression.
Afflicted Jupiter brings over optimism, excess extravagance and exaggeration.
It includes disease like liver complaints, jaundice, dropsy, flatulence, abscess, cerebral congestion, cataract, diabetes, vertigo.
Amongst products it includes, gold, yellow sapphire, peepul tree and yellow coloured products.
Saturn – Shani, Civil servants, low technology industry and mines.
Saturn signifies agriculture, land owners, farmers, mine operators, iron ores, democracy, elderly persons, public buildings, national calamities, scarcities. It rules minor state execs, law enforcement agencies, state run businesses and corporations. Saturn represents the conservative side of society and governs justice, order, systems and prudence.
In a Lunation, Saturn often shows where there is the devil to pay, associated with misfortune or lack, especially when angular or afflicted. If in favorable aspect Saturn stabilizes, strengthens, promotes safety and thrift, indicating conservative actions and responsible attitudes.
Saturn is a planet of contraction and depression. The market conditions will be depressed, the country would pass through periods of stagnation and economic decline.
It signifies labor class like night workers, night watchman, and everything pertaining to it.
Saturn signifies strikes, lock out, labour unrest, labour laws, its enactment and enforcement, discontentment and revolution. Farmers and farm land, famines and drought.
It signifies democracy and all forms of democratic institutions, emergencies and nationalisation. Also signifies national calamities and tragedies like earthquakes and floods.
It signifies fall in country`s export, difficulty in foriegn exchange and wastage of piblic money. It signifies heavy taxes and introduction of rationing.
Saturn signifies skin, animal hides, leather, municiple elections, death of prominent leader, national mourning, war, death of old rebellion and overthrow of ruler.
Saturn creates the necessary order, structure, form, and functions to mitigate the chaotic factors inherent in the negotiations of group enterprises. Saturn is associated with institutions representing the legal system, civil service, and all restraining/restricting forces in society. Saturn is rules, procedures, and guidelines. Saturn is associated with the administration of justice and has its affiliations with police (law enforcement) and the regimentation of military life and discipline. The attitude of a nation toward law, order, taboos, old practices, the old guard in politics, etc., are also associated with Saturn.
Saturn has chief influence over elderly people and governs the national death rate. Life-threatening epidemics. Land-owners, farmers, mines, coal, and industries connected to metals and minerals. State funerals, public sorrow, and disappointment.
Saturn governs all lands, minerals and underground wealth especially mining and oil. Since ot rules land it signifies loss and gain of territory in war, If lord of 6 or 11 and has no malefic aspect country may gain territory in war.
It represent barbarians dark persons, deceit, falsehood and secret enemies.
Asceticism, bankruptcy, civil services, prisoners and martyrs.
Saturn also includes commodities extracted from earth, natural calamities, like famine, drought, flood, earthquake etc. It includes, mines, tunnels, minerals, natural resources from mines, death of ruler, imposition of heavy taxes. Amongst the products it includes, skin, animal, hides, leather, barley, tapioca, mustard oil, crude oil, wine, wool, hemp, crow, buffalo.
The disease caused by Saturn are paralysis, insanity, limb injury, cancer, glandular disease, heart pain, rheumatism consumption. It denotes delay, deceit, denial, despair, decay, destruction etc.
Rahu -- Rahu is a shadowy planet and as such it either exposes secret thing or hides or keeps secret.
Diplomatic moves, manipulations and deceit. Rahu represents crime, war, voilence and disasters of worst kind. It is very potent evil when it conjoins Saturn or Mars.
It signifies invasion, over-power of enemies, political plots, religious riots, violence, imprisonment, telegraph, radio, telephone, sudden expenditure, planning, venomous reptiles, foreign languages, inflammable gases, secret doctrine, divorce, infamous character, corruption, gambling, exile, caves, grave yards, epidemics like plague, cancer, skin disease, homo-sexuality, aids.
It also includes love affairs, ill health, amputation of the body part, out caste, mosquito, bugs, insects, serpents, inventors, astrologers, spies, south-west direction.
Its effects are especially bad in evil houses like 6 – 8 – 12. It is planet of aggressiveness and stands for rebellion and mutiny. It rules aerial navigation, electronics and radio. It is akin to Saturn in Vedic Astrology.
It also signifies riots, political plots, spies and imprisonment. Slavery and death by suffocation.
It is anti religious anti social and is a cheat and believer in falsehood, jealous and robbery. Strikes, mobs and roiting are its forte.
It represents sudden accidents, poisonous gases. It signifies foreigner, mohhemdans and immigration to foriegn countries
It has a bog hand in spreading disease like plague, epidemics and cancer, skin deseases and eczema other disease ruled by it are hiccup, slowness of action, insanity, intestinal trouble, ulcer, boils, gas trouble, acute pain.
ketu: Natural calamities, violent (actions or events)
Ketu in general signifies trouble to/from enemies, death in battle field, assassination, murder, traitors, sudden mishap, severe penalties, deception, self-immolation, spiritual renunciation, The diseases caused by it are cancer, leprosy, consumption, plague and skin disease.
Ketu is like Mars and is also karaka for destruction, war, secret plots and strife, self immolation and suicide.
It represents decoit, treachery, war and death in battlefield, sudden success and failure. It signifies cotton, ready-made garments, watches, time pieces, clocks, TV, computers, liquors, drugs, conspiracy, murders, espionage
It represents non Hindus
Uranus – planet of extremes and of unexpected
Uranus – Signifies air and rail transport, aeronautics, inventions, technology, electricity and radio frequency industries, civic and labor organizations. Afflicted, Uranus can bring strikes or riots, upheavals, revolution, lawlessness or protests. It may also bring air travel accidents, train derailments or explosions. If impacting weather by falling on the cusp of the Fourth House or angular, it can mean tornadoes, high winds, hurricanes, typhoons, severe lightning storms or earthquakes.
Uranus signifies Labor unions in their objects and the methods employed, such as strikes, Reform movements of all kinds, unusual methods of bussiness, radical changes, intolerance. It rules over spirit, thought, mental, new ideas that erupt in the collective; creativity, innovation, ideas a little too advanced for the world at that time, ocult or hidden activity, revolutions, upheavals, activities which create pressure (even with violence) in order to meet the goals; politically represents the right wing, but can also represent autocratic regimes.
Uranus signifies reformers, inventors, rebels, activists, prophets, visionaries.
Uranus loves the new and the unusual, and hesitates not at all to discard the tried and trusted methods in favor of more original plans
Neptune – Signifies social movements, socialistic political movements, charities, socialized medicine and hospitalization. It rules collective values, popular opinion fluctuations, utopian ideas and the little people. It has to do with the conditions of the disadvantaged.
It rules drugs and pharmaceuticals, tobacco, alcohol, photography, oil, gas, petroleum, kerosene, and the oceans.
An afflicted Neptune may indicate political instability, collapse, elements of distortion, fraud or corruption. If angular it may indicate landslides, marine disasters, dam breaks, tidal waves, gas leaks, contagion or infestations.
Uranus means ideas, ideology, Neptune means feelings.
It signifies people who cheat and bring confusion, deception.
Pluto – Signifies the mob psychology and power of the masses. It has to do with regeneration and transformation and if in favorable aspect shows where improvements and better organization can come about. Pluto often shows where there are complications though and if afflicted may indicate sociological upheavals, power struggles, terrorism or corruption. Pluto rules nuclear power, plutonium, radium, zinc, tungsten, nickel, infrared rays and lasers. Stressful aspects of Pluto may produce volcanoes, earthquakes, oil spills, fires, war, mudslide, avalanches or anything which involves widespread death and destruction.
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